Chapter 11

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Finral's Pov:

              I opened the door, and everyone's eyes are on me. I roamed around and saw my father on the front of the altar, the black bulls infront of me. They are seated on the back so I am near them, my eyes met Noelle's eyes.

'I decided on this'

I heard a coach stopped outside, it's probably Ms. Finesse.

"Finral, what are you waiting for come here already", my father went to my direction.

I didn't followed him and stayed still.

I heard the wedding bells play and the footsteps from my back getting louder.

"What's wrong?", I heard a lady's voice spoke. It's probably Ms. Finesse's mothers.

I turned around and saw them coming. Ms.Finesse wearing a white gown and giving me a confused look.

"Everyone!", I called their attention.

"I'M CANCELLING THE WEDDING!", I yelled and everyone looked at me in shock.

"W-what are you talking about?!!", my father asked me with a glare.

"I'm not marrying Ms. Finesse", I said.

I saw the black bulls stood up but they never left their places.

"W-why???!!", Ms. Finesse's mother asked me.

I looked at my father, then my step-mom, and then Ms.Finesse.

"I'm not marrying someone I don't love.", I said and then I felt a hand flew across my face.

"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!??",my father slapped me.

'It's stings, and I can feel that he is angry'

I didn't let my fear control me, I stared at his eyes and said.

"Maybe I am", I said and gave him a smile.


"I know that, from the very start I know that".

My father's face is so red in anger. I saw my step-mom stepped in and spoke

"Finral why would you choose a drunken frenzy witch over a royal. She's a good for nothing girl, you can't have a bright future with he--- I cutted her. off

"YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO CALL HER THAT!! AND WHY WOULD YOU EVEN CARE?! STOP ACTING LIKE MY MOM BECAUSE YOU ARE NOT HER, BITCH!!",I yelled and I felt a hand flew across my face for the second time.

"HAVE SOME RESPECT FINRAL! And I regret my choice why did I choose you to be the heir. And I wonder why would you choose her than your family anyway? What's special from her?", my father asked me.

I stared straight at his eyes and said.

"She is everything to me. Yeah I know that she don't have the riches like the royals have, but I love her. And you ask why would I choose her over you? Because she was there when I need you the most, I needed my family the most. And I also regret being the heir, I regret being your son".

His face was shocked when I said that.

I turned around and saw Ms.Finesse smiling. I approached her.

"I'm sorry Ms.Finesse, I can't marry you. I know you deserve someone better"

"It's fine already, I know that you have someone you love. When I meet you from the other days, I can tell that I am not the one you love", she said.

"Thank you for understanding", I said and walked to the exit.

"GUARDS GO CATCH HIM!!",he ordered our guards and chase after me. I ran outside and thought that the guards are following me, but I heard a voice.

"Stop right there!", Langris' voice echoed to my ears. I stopped and looked back, he is stopping the guards.

"Move an inch and you'll be dead", Langris said and activated his grimoire.

"What are you doing Langris", my step-mom asked.

"What's the meaning of this?!",my father asked.

"I'm not letting you pass, and can you let Finral go! He deserved to be happy and I'm not letting you ruin it", Langris said. He looked at me and mouthed the word 'go', I nodded and quickly opened a portal to the base.

'Thank you, Langris'

I ran upstairs, and went inside her room. Some of her things are not there! Where did she go? I roamed around the whole base but I can't see her. I opened a portal to her favorite liquor shop, but I can't find her.

'Where are you, Vanessa?'

Then a place suddenly came to my mind.

'The Witches' Forest'

I opened a portal to the forest.

'This is suicide, but I need to find her before I lose her completely'

As soon as I arrived, I hide myself and went to the queen's castle.

I hope you are here Vanessa.


Vanessa's Pov:

A day earlier from the wedding:

I arrived at the witches forest, and I expected that they are going to stop me but they didn't.

"Ms. Vanessa, are you here to visit?", one of the girl witches that I met last time approached me.

"Yeah, and I'm here to have a vacation for days"

"I'm so happy to hear that!"

"Let's go", she guided me towards the queen's palace.

I went inside and saw my mother, sitting on her throne.

I bowed down and greeted her.
"Good day, your highness"

"What are you doing here?", my mom asked.

"I came here to ask you something and have a vacation", I said and looked down.

"Oh? That's rare. I thought that you like to hang-out there with those black bulls?"

"Yeah, if I'm not allowed to stay here I can leave", I said.

"It's fine and about the thing that you asked? What is it?", she asked.

I looked up and my tears are falling again.
"Is there a way to forget these feelings?"

She looked at me with shock, she stood up and walked to my direction.

"What happened? Tell me?", she asked.

"I'm broken, broken hearted I guess? I love someone who can never be mine?", I said and showed a smile.

She just looked at me.
"You can stay here, and about getting rid of your feelings? I'm not sure about that", she said. "And bring her to her room", she told one of the witches and left.

"Ms. Vanessa follow me", the witch said and I followed her.

I hope this can help, or I hope there is a way to forget.

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