Chapter 1

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Finral's pov:
I woke up in my bed, the sun is up and I can hear Magna and Luck's shouting and the sound of crashing things.

'Probably it's about Magna's pudding'

I yawned and got ready for my day. Being Captain Yami's wheels is tiring- to the bathroom, the capital, to king julius, and whenever and wherever he wanted to go. After I combed my hair and put some perfume, I went downstairs to grab my breakfast.

"Ohayo! Minna!", I sat down next to Vanessa.

"Ohayo! Finral-senpai!", as usual. Asta is lively as ever.

"Ohayoo~~", Vanessa said and drank a bottle of wine. It's still early in the morning and she's already drinking.....well you can't stop her from doing that.

"Here's the nomsss laa~", Charmy arrived with the Sheep cooks. They brought us food for breakfast.

"Thanks! Miz Charmy!", Asta said and started eating.

"Thank you!", I said. Well I can't call it a day without seeing them this lively and loud.

"Hey let's stop this already! Food's ready!", I heard Magna yelled.

"EHHH?? But were not yet done", Luck's voice and throw a lightning ball to Magna, he dodged it though.

"WOI! ENOUGH ALREADY YOU BATTLE MANIAC!", Magna yelled and went to the table.

"Okay! Let's fight after this", Luck also said and sat on the table and started eating with us. Everyone have their own characteristics and that's what make this squad lively. I smiled.

"Hey what are you smiling about?", Vanessa said and put her arms around my neck. She's so close.

"E-er. Nothing", I said and looked away. Vanessa let go of me--


"Hey you damn brats, we got a lot of missions today!", Captain Yami broke the door.

"Danchou~~", I heard Vanessa called captain..

"Well we have missions, I will be leaving for days for a mission somewhere. Asta, Noelle,and Nero you are on a mission of catching a thief at the beach( I forgot the name,sorry),phe's so good. Grey and Gauche,on a mission of finding a lost magic item, it's a bracelet. Magna and Luck, a mission of catching a group of bandits at the commoner realm. And Vanessa and Finral, you're on a mission guarding sheeps from a nobel family. Guard it from bandits and from wolves, you should catch them and put them inside their cage cause the it's gonna picked up after amd hour or two. Your pay is doubled, if you accepted this mission. Charmy and gordon were left here for Henry. And as of Zora, that bastard left cause he said he's gonna have important things to do. Alright I'll just take a dump brats,go ahead and surpass your limits", Captain Yami said and signaled me. And as if a que, I opened a portal to the bathrooms door.

I sighed. A mission with Vanessa huh. Well I don't really mind having missions with Vanessa, but unlike before. We usually go missions with Charmy or other members and I'm not used to this.

"Hey Finral~~let's do our best", she said and cling to my arms.

"Yes", I said and we started walking outside and ride to our brooms. Well I haven't come to that place, so I can't use my magic.

I don't know how would things work out. Well I know Vanessa is strong but that habit of hers makes me worry a little bit.

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