Chapter 5

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Finral's Pov:

Last night, everything happened last night, is just so...I can't accept this. Black bulls became my family, my companions fo years. I can't abandon them, but I don't want fail my father once again, and to be with...the one I love.

I think I'll tell them today, so they can accept my reasons early.

I need to be alone right now, and to prepare myself, first, I need to tell Vanessa. She's the only one I can count on right now. I walked downstairs and looked for her.

"Hey guys! Did you see Vanessa?", I asked them

"Finral-senpai! Oh??? Vanessa-neesan left early with....mrrfgd", he was stopped by Noelle. Huh?

"Why? Who's with her?",I asked them..

"H-huh?? What are you talking about? She's al-----", Noelle stoped talking cause Asta interupted.

"SHE'S WITH LANGRIS!", Asta said and Noelle glared at him.

"Oh??" , I said and walked out. Why am I feeling this? It's something I can't stop.

'Am I?'

'So what if she's out with him'

'I'm jealous, okay, I'm jealous! She's supposed to be with me but she's out there with my brother.'

I clenched my fist.

'Why am I jealous? I have Ms. Finesse now'.

I sat there and waited for Captain Yami's orders and until everyone is gathered except from Vanessa.

The door opened and I found Vanessa entering the door. She's alone.

"Everyone, I have something to announce to you", I said.

"What is it Finral-senpai?", Asta asked.

"Yeah, what now la~?"

Vanessa sat on the couch and looked at me.

"I am now the heir of the House of Vaude", I announced and everyone went silent. And then they all smiled.

"Congratulations Finral-senpai!"

"C-congratulations! I'm embarrassed", Gray said.

"Well done!", Magna yelled.

"Oh what's this?", I heard Captain Yami's voice. He laughed at me."Atta boy, Finral, you dumbass".

I smiled , sadly. "Wait", I said and everyone went quiet.

"What's wrong?"

I took a deep breath and continued speaking. "But if I become the heir, my father told me that I will leave black bulls and marry the niece of Kingdom's King. I'm sorry but I love...", I paused and looked on Vanessa's direction. She's crying. "Her...", then I continued.



"Well, even if he leaves. He is still out Finral! Don't be so gloomy dumbasses! Let's celebrate the night for Finral's accomplishments.!!", Captain Yami said and cheered everyone up.


"I'm going to prepare the foods. La~~", Charmy said and summoned her Sheeps.

"Let's drink!!", I heard Vanessa yell and everyone is looking at her. She is still crying.

'Stop crying Vanessa. Please..'

I walked to her direction and sat next to her.

"Hey, why are you crying?", I asked her.

"I-it's just...I'm so happy for y-you.. You c-can finally be with your someone you love.", she smiled but I can clearly see the sadness from her eyes. She wiped her tears and I am surprised to the next thing she did.

She hugged me, very very tight.
"I will miss you", she said and because of that I can't help but to hug her back. This feeling is different, I never felt this towards someone, except Vanessa. I want to hug her that, I don't want to let go.

'I don't want to leave, I want to stay like this, and I never felt this feeling from any other girl's that I dated or even Finesse'

She let go and stand up and pulled me to the table." Let's enjoy this night, like there's no tomorrow!", she said and drank a bottle of wine. I accepted the bottle that she gave me earlier and drank it.

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