Chapter 3

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Finral's Pov: 

As usual I'm here sending captain to the bathroom. I'm out here doing some of his paper works and stuffs.

I went downstairs to get some drinks, everyone is lively as ever.

"Hey Finral~~", that's Vanessa's voice. She's holding a bottle of wine on her right and a letter.

"What's that?", I asked.

"It's a letter for you, sent by your father", she said and gave it to me. I opened it and read what's inside of it.

"Neh~ tell me what's inside?", Vanessa said and circled her arms around my neck.

"My father wants to see me this coming  Saturday night.", I said. Well this is new and it's really rare for him to call me to go home.

"Oh~~ that's rare", she said.

"Yes, you're right! Very rare!", I said and we both laughed. One thing about Vanessa is she can be trusted, she won't betray you no matter what. For me she's like my bestfriend.

"Neh~ Finral. Come with me at the capital. I'm gonna buy some magical items and you can also hit some girls there.", she said.

"Okay, but let's come back early okay?", I said.

"I'm the one should be telling you that~ you like girls so much taht you totally forgot about the time", she said and laughed. I pouted, but she's also right.

"Nah, I'm changing right now. So I can be with the one I love", I said and looked up. Imagining Ms. Finesse's smiling face.

Vanessa's Pov:

"Nah, I'm changing right now.So I can be with the one I love", Finral said and looked up.

I don't know but my heart is so painful right now. I don't know but his line kinda hurt me there.

'He loves someone, and he's willing to change for her. She must be really lucky, Finral is kind and sweet, he's the one that can make you laugh when you're sad. He's just the perfect man you can wish for.'

I smiled, sadly. Is this?? Because I like him? I like him?? Maybe.

"That girl must be very lucky", I said and smiled at him. He looked at me with wide eyes.

"You think so? Why?", he asked me.

"Cause your a good man", I said and smiled. "Let's go!", I said and walked outside.

'I like him...No. It's not just admiration'

'There's no doubt about this feeling. I'm inlove with the womanizer, Finral Roulacase.'

Finral's pov:

We are on town, walking with Vanessa. I don't know but she's too quiet right now. Maybe something is bothering her.

"Hey are you okay?", I asked her, she looked at me and smiled.

"Ofcourse!", she said and start walking ahead of me. She is looking on different stores, and she also bought some magic items.

"Neh~~ Finral! Let's eat!", she said and pointed out the coffe shop.

"Okay!", I followed her. She entered and sat on one of the tables. She put her bags and she was about to stand up but I stopped her.

"Let me",  I said and she sat back to the chair. "What do you want?", I asked her.

"Cinamon rolls and cappucino", she said.

I nodded and walked to the counter. I observed what she's doing, she is just staring at the table.

I sat back bringing her orders and mine too. We are filled with silence.

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