Chapter 7

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Vanessa's Pov:

I woke up because the rays of the sun coming from my window. I closed my eyes again and  growled cause my head really hurts and the other parts of my body too. I moved and faced sidewards when I felt something moved beside me, and since when did my pillow got harder. When I opened my eyes, it's a naked body of a man!!!


That's when I realized that I am also naked and it's sour down there. I slowly looked up and check who was that, and my eyes widen, really wide.

'It's Finral!!!!!'

I blushed hard and I panicked, so I was about to got up when he suddenly moved and snaked his arms around my stomach. I blushed even harder.

'W-what the hell happened last night??!'

Then my memories starts coming back like a flashback.

I didn't move and stared at his sleeping face. He's too handsome and h-hot as fuck! I couldn't help myself, so I touched his cheeks and smiled.

'Even it was a mistake, I am happy that I am able to spend a night with you. Even if I know that you don't love me'

I closed my eyes again and snaked my arm around his body. I fell back to sleep.

 'For the last time, I'm able to hold you assuming that you're mine, and sleep in my delusions'

Finral's pov:

I woke up and find out that my back stings and I notice some bite marks on my chest and shoulders. I found Vanessa hugging me while I my arms is hugging her too.

I looked at her, her face seems to be happy and contented. I sighed and removed my arms around her.

'I'm sorry Vanessa, that was a mistake. We are just drunk and I lost my sanity and I-I regret...I regret..this.'

I got up and wore my clothes and opened a portal to my room.

'I'm sorry Finesse for what happened to me ans Vanessa'

I picked a new set of clothes and went to the bathroom to take a bath. I'm still dizzy when I went to the shower and let the water flow to my body.

I closed my eyes to avoid myself from getting more dizzy, but my memory came flashing back.
The hot kisses we shared, the way I nibble her skin, the way she moans my name..The..

'I love Finral'

'What a convenient dream for me'


I quickly finished taking a shower and got dressed up. It's another day for me, and I should do my best. I'm leaving them, afterall.

I went downstairs and greeted them a good morning.

"Good Morning, minna"
I only see, Asta, Noelle, Charmy, Luck, and Grey. They are eating breakfast.

"Oh? Finral-senpai! Ohayo!", Asta greeted me.

"G-good M-m-morning, F-finral..I'm so embarrassed", Grey said while covering her face.

"Morning! Come here and eat, La~~", Charmy said and I sat next to Gordon.

"Aww..they are still asleep. I wish Magna will wake up soon. I wanna fight him", Luck said with his smile on his face.

'You always wake him up though', I thought.

"Alright! I'm going to wake him up! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!", Luck sat up and ran upstairs while laughing maniacally.

'Poor Magna'

"Here's the food, La~~", Charmy gave me a plate full of foods.

Everyone sat in the sea of silence. They are so quiet, I wonder why?

"Your really leaving, Finral-senpai?", Asta spoke looking down on his food.

"Yeah", I replied.

"Are you sure you want to leave the Black Bulls?", he asked.

'I'm not, but I have to'

"No, but I have to", I said.
"I can't defy my father, because I owed him many things I couldn't even repay him and...I--", I paused.

"You what?", Asta asked.

"I-I can be with the someone I love".

Noelle and Asta looked at me with sadness, suprise, and confused looks.

"It's not Vanessa-neesan??", Asta asked.

I quickly looked at him and stared at him. I just remained silent.

'Oh god'

I didn't answer him and stood up.
"I'm done eating", I said and walked out.

'Things are getting messed up and tangled, just like a ball of ....thread'

I sighed and walked in town.

'Guess I'll have to free my mind right now'

I'm leaving tomorrow. My father told that I need to stay there, because I had to know what are my task when I'm gonna be the heir.

I sighed..

A/N: Sorry for the late upload. You see that your dumb author is dying answering her modules...and my laziness is killing me.

And Happy Fiesta Lapu-Lapu City. Sana ol naay pakals.

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