Chapter 9

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A/N: The time of this story runs fast so I'mma fast forward this to the wedding day. I'm finishing this soon cause 'my laziness is killing me'...

Wedding Day::

We woke up early to prepare for my wedding because my suit will arrive this morning. The wedding will start at 9 am, and it's 6 am in the morning.

I am at my room taking a bath, and waiting.

'It's finally the day'

I heard knocks from the door so I quickly finished bathing and opened it.

"Finral-sama, your suit has arrived.", the servant told me and gave me the suit.

"Thank you", I received it and closed the door.

I put the suit on my bed and stared at it.

'It's nice but I can't believe that I will wear something like this. I am player, a womanizer, a piece of shit who plays a girl's feelings. I can't believe I am getting married today, to someone I love??'

I sighed and decided to wear it. I styled my hair and wear my shoes, and wait for the time.

~2 hours passed and it's almost time~

It's about to start, after a couple of minutes I will be a husband.

I sat at my room and waited for the signal. I heard knock from the door and saw Langris enter my room.

"Langris, why are you here? You are supposed to be there and check the guest list"

"Well, just checking on you and give you this.", he said and handed me a white envelope.

"Oh? What's this? And everybody from the black bulls arrived all already?", I asked.

"That's the reason why I came here. Ms. Pappitson said that give that letter to you because Ms. Enoteca can't attend"

My eyes grew wide and quickly opened the letter.

Dear Finral,

                  I know that the time that you read this, you are already married. I can't come to your wedding because of important matters, or should I say I "won't" come. This is already the last time I can communicate to you and tell you how I really feel, that's why

Finral Roulacase, I love you. I always love and will love you. Even if you are not mine, I will still love you.

I can't bring myself to attend to your wedding because I can't bear the pain to see you marry the girl you truly love. Always take care of yourself and make her happy... and Happy Birthday. Goodbye.

I close the letter and wiped my eyes before my tears starts to fall.

"She loves you, very much"

I heard Langris said and looked up at him.

"How cam you say that? How did you kno---",he cutted me off.

"She told me the day we drank together. She said she love you very much, that's why she ran away before she could meet Finesse. The day you brought her to meet Finesse, she left because you totally forgot about her when you are with Ms. Finesse. She got drunk and told me what she really feels, she's been crying. And as 2 days after you left, the day I told you that we drank together. She's been asking how are you doing, are you okay, and many things she asked me about you."

I looked at him and with my teary eyes. Then we heard a knock on the door, and saw father enter. I quickly wiped my eyes and bow to him.

"The coach has arrived, you need to go", father said.

"Yes Father", I said.

"I hope you won't fail me, Finral. My son", he said before he left to the room.

My heart aches very much. Because I thought that the both of us, what Vanessa said isn't true. I thought because of the alcohol that's why she's saying that but what she said is true.

I went out of the room with Langris.

"Nii-san are you okay?", he asked.

I looked at him with my sad eyes.

"I don't know"

We rode the coach, while on the coach. I am thinking what I should do, to follow my heart or to follow my father. Vanessa was there when I needed my family the most, but I can't just defy my father. I finally gained his trust.

We arrived and we are at the church door.

'I decided already

I opened the door.

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