Chapter Two

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The next few weeks were rough for Evalynn. It was night after night  of waking up screaming and the Barnums trying their best to comfort the girl. It took them a while to get used to each other. Evalynn was still pretty closed off, but it wasn't as bad as when she first got there. In the last week she got a job. She was just taking people train tickets, but it was something. Most people were hesitant to buy tickets from her because of her eyes, but once she started talking to them they seemed to forget that she was different. It had become an almost daily routine for her and Philip to meet up and hang out after her shifts.

It was Caroline's birthday. She saw the person who was supposed to take over her position come into the train station so she signed out on the sheet and walked out. She saw Philip waiting for her, but also noticed a girl with him. She was pretty. She had red hair, and blue eyes and looked like she was related to Philip.

"Hello Philip." She said, smiling at the man.

All the snow had melted by then, but it was still a little cold outside, although it didn't really seem to affect Philip too much.

"Hello Evalynn. I wanted to introduce you to my sister. We have to meet up with our parents for dinner so I can't stay long. Eva this is Julia, Julia this is Evalynn."

They shook each other's hands and smiled at each other. "It's nice to finally meet you. I was starting to think Philip was making all this up. I mean, a girl actually willing to spend time with my brother? You must be crazy!"

Evalynn chuckled. "Maybe I am." She laughed. "Well, it's Caroline's birthday so I have to be home as soon as possible so I have to go."

"Well, it was nice to meet you." Julia said.

"You too. And it was nice seeing you again Philip."

He smiled. "And you as well."

They all parted ways and Evalynn started walking towards the Barnums apartment. She knew that she hadn't been staying with the Barnums for that long, but she had grown close with their children and wanted to do something special for Caroline. She had planned on making a cake for Helen so she needed to get home.

After walking a few miles she finally arrived at their apartment complex. She walked in and went up to their floor, and took out her key. She let herself into the apartment. It was empty so she assumed that Charity and the girls were on the roof. She was excited because that gave her time to decorate the cake. Charity had already made the cake since Evalynn wouldn't have had time to cook the cake when she got home. She took the cake out of the fridge and set it on the counter and then got all the frosting out. She picked a lilac for the base color and started covering the cake in the frosting. Once the cake was covered she got out the light blue icing and wrote Happy Birthday Helen! In a fancy script. After she got the words on there she took out the green frosting and made vines all over the cake.

It wasn't the best cake ever made, but to her it was perfect. She just hoped Caroline liked it as much as she did. She put the cake back in the fridge before anyone else could see it and then went up to the roof to surprise her sisters.

"Hi Charity." She said smiling. "I got the cake decorated. I really hope she likes it."

"I'm sure she will love it. And thank you again, for helping with her birthday."

"You're welcome. It's the least I can do to thank you for letting me stay with you guys."

Helen and Caroline noticed that Evalynn was home and came running up to her and hugged her.

"Hey girls. How was your guys' day?"

"It's been amazing. Mommy let us have the day off of school work since it's my birthday!"

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