Chapter Twelve

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Once they got back to New York they all went to their homes. Charity and the girls were waiting for Phineas and Evalynn at the dock. Charity and Phineas hugged and Evalynn hugged her sisters. They all went back to the apartment to go to bed. Evalynn was trying not to talk to Phineas. He ignored most of them for the rest of the trip and was so caught up with Jenny. She didn't think Phineas would cheat on Charity, but she couldn't be 100% sure.

They got back to the apartment and she tried going straight to her room.

"Hey, whats wrong?" Phineas asked.

She looked at him. "Nothing. Why?"

"You just seem distant."

She smiled. "Its nothing I'm just tired from the trip."

They said goodnight and went to bed. Two days later it was time for Jennys concert. Everyone was excited to see the concert, but Phineas was more concerned with how many people were there.

"Look everyones here! Even the winthrops!"

Charity looked at him. "Are you happy?"

She was hoping he would say yes.

"I will be if this works. Oh god I hope she can sing."

Phineas and Philip were standing behind the curtain.

Evalynn was sitting with Charity and her sisters.

"Where is everyone else I thought they were sitting with us?"

Charity sighed. "Your father put them in the standing room."

She looked over there and saw them. They all looked sad.

"I'm going to stand with them if you dont mind."

"No. Go ahead."

Before she went to the standing room she went to talk to Phineas.

"Dad, why is everyone in the standing room? You said we would all sit together."

Philip looked upset. "The standing room? Why?"

"They're less visible there. Plus the acoustics are better over there anyway."

Someone told Phineas that Jenny was ready and he ran off.

"Less visible?" Philip asked.

Evalynn and Philip stared at each other.

"I don't know about you but I'm going to stand with the others." Philip said.

"That's exactly what I was thinking."

Anne and Julie were standing next to each other. Philip stood next to Anne and Evalynn stood next to Julia. The lights dimmed and Phineas appeared on stage.

"Ladies and Gentlemen, thank you for your patience." There was a pause as he waited for the crowd to stop talking. He looked up at Charity for encouragement. "Recently I had the privilege of hearing the most divine voice I've ever heard."

More people in the crowd were talking.

"Now I know that sounds like a Barnum humbug but I have one-hundred bottles of good champagne on ice that says this isn't just another side show novelty."

Evalynn and Philip looked at each other again. Why was he saying these things?

"May I present the Swedish nightingale. Mrs. Jenny Lind."

The crowd clapped as the curtains pulled back and Jenny appeared.

"I'm trying to hold my breath
Let it stay this way
Can't let this moment end
You set off a dream in me"

She looked at Phineas when she said that. It didn't go unnoticed by Charity.

"Getting louder now
Can you hear it echoing?
Take my hand
Will you share this with me?
'Cause darling, without you"

Philip got the courage to hold Annes hand.

"All the shine of a thousand spotlights
All the stars we steal from the night sky
Will never be enough
Never be enough
Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it'll
Never be enough
Never be enough
For me
Never, never
Never, never
Never, for me
For me
Never enough
Never enough
Never enough
For me
For me
For me"

At this point Philips parents saw him. And Philips and Annes intertwined hands didn't go unnoticed either. Philip realized that they saw him so he let go of her hand.

"All the shine of a thousand spotlights
All the stars we steal from the night sky
Will never be enough
Never be enough
Towers of gold are still too little
These hands could hold the world but it'll
Never be enough
Never be enough"

Anne walked away. She couldn't believe that he let what his parents thought get in the way of them. Evalynn felt bad for the both of them. Julia looked at her brother to try and get his attention, but he just kept staring ahead.

"For me
Never, never
Never, never
Never, for me
For me
Never enough
Never, never
Never enough
Never, never
Never enough
For me
For me
For me"

As she was singing the last part of the song Charity came to a realization. The song fit Phineas so well. This wasn't about him liking Jenny. It was about him trying to experience everything. To be the best at everything. Nothing would ever be enough for him. Not even her love.

The song finished and the crowd erupted into applause and cheers. The group was cheering as well. Philip was just standing there. Evalynn and Julia shared worried glances. Evalynn met up with Charity and her sisters and they went to the room to meet Jenny.

"Mrs. Jenny Lind this is my wife Charity and my kids."

"Of course I've heard so much about you. She turned her attention to Caroline. "And your father tells me your a fan of the ballet."

"I'm studying the ballet."

They were all surprised seeing as she quit but they didn't tell Jenny that.

"And what about you Helen?"

"You look like a princess ma'am."

They all laughed and she said thank you.

Phineas was talking to Mr. Bennett so Evalynn was with Charity and her sisters.

As they were talking Charitys parents walked in. Evalynn didn't know much about them. Just that they didn't talk to them anymore.

"Phineas?" Her dad said. "You've done well."

"Thank you. Let me introduce you."

"Excuse me Jenny. I would like you to meet Charitys parents. Mr. and Mrs. Hallet."

They said their hellos and then Charity walked over with the girls.


"Hello dear. Are these-"

Phineas interrupted. "Yes those are your granddaughters."

"Phineas not here." Charity said.

"Not here? You're afraid I'm going to embarrass your parents in front of all their fancy friends? I really don't think I have that power. An insignificant man like me who was clearly destined to live an insignificant life.

Mr. Hallet looked mad. "All that fortune and still just the tailors boy."

"Get out."

They left and so did Charity, Helen, and Caroline. Evalynn decided to stay behind to try to hell Phineas.

"Well Phineas, I believe I told you that free champagne is a recipe for disaster."

Jenny made a toast and they were hopeful the rest of the night would go on in a good way.

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