Chapter Six

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Evalynn and Phineas were sitting at a table in the museum. They were going to open up the building in five minutes to start auditions. They were really excited and eager to meet all these unique people. They were also hoping that Charles and the bearded lady would come too. They opened the doors and there was a long line of people waiting.

They talked to all sorts of people. Two african americans sat in front of them.

"Anne and W.D. Wheeler. Siblings I assume?" Phineas said.

"Yes." W.D. nodded.

"And whats your talent."

Anne spoke up. "Uh. Trapeze."

"Okay. Were excited to have you."

W.D. leaned forward. "Y'know people aren't going to like it if you put us on stage."

Phineas smiled. "Oh, I'm counting on it."

They were getting through the line of people when Evalynn saw Julia Carlyle walk in the building holding one of the flyers. She was confused on why she was there so she excused herself from the table and walked up to her.

"Hi Julia."

The girl looked up and smiled.

"Hello Evalynn. I was hoping I would see you here."

"I wasn't expecting to see you, but I'm happy to anyway. What are you doing here anyway?" She took in the fancy clothes the girl was wearing and wondered what she could possibly want at the museum.

"I'm here to audition. I know your probably surprised that I'm here. I wasn't even sure I was going to come." She nervously smiled at Evalynn and waited for her response.

"What are you doing here? I mean, not to be mean, but you already have a lot of money and could easily get a job somewhere normal."

Julia chuckled. "I know, but I'm kind of the black sheep of the family."

A look of shock passed over Evalynn's face at the other girls words.

"What is your special talent then?"

"You'll have to wait and see."

The two girls spent most of the auditions standing in line together and talking. They talked about a lot of things like their home life and there family's. Evalynn was careful not to bring up her biological father.

Phineas was watching them talk to each other and wondered how Evalynn knew the Carlyles. He was happy she was making friends though. She hadn't really talked to anyone outside of their family.

He had a feeling that joining the show would be a good thing for Evalynn.

He was pulled out of his thoughts when Julia and Evalynn approached the table.

"Hello Evalynn." He smiled at her and then turned to Julia. "And you are?"

"My name is Julia Carlyle."

"And what are your talents?"

She smiled. She grabbed her hair and Evalynn and Phineas were confused, but quickly realized it was a wig. Her natural hair was in a bun and in a flash of color her hair was draped over her shoulders. Her hair was a bright blue color that looked darker in certain lighting.

"My parents hate it. The only time they will be seen with me is if I wear the wig."

Evalynn was caught up in staring at the girls hair. "It's beautiful. Why do they make you cover it up?"

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