Chapter Seven

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Evalynn was confused as she walked back up to their apartment. Julia said that she was going to be okay, but the way her parents reacted concerned her.

She got back inside the apartment and helped clean up and got ready for bed. She got out her song book and decided to finish writing her song about Philip.

Chasing love that will never be mine.
Maybe one day you'll realize.

These words you should always remember.

To you my heart I surrender.

And I can't count the times I stayed awake pretending you were mine.

Now I'm left here with this emptiness inside.

And why can't I make you mine?

She finished the song so she put her notebook away and went to sleep.

The Carlyles

The carriage ride home was dead silent. They pulled up to the theatre and waited for Philip to leave. Julias parents told her to stay in the carriage and they got out so they could talk to Philip without their daughter hearing them.

Philip left the theater and immediately noticed the carriage with his parents waiting for him.

He walked up to them. "Hello Mother, Father."

His dad stared at him. "Hello Philip."

Philip looked into the carriage and saw Julia sitting there and new he messed up.

"You have some nerve taking her out with you." Mrs. Carlyle said.

"I can explain-"

"No, you can't. We'll discuss your guys punishment when we get home."

They got home and Julia tried to run straight to her room, but her parents stopped her.

"You two are on house arrest. Philip, you can leave for your plays, but you must go straight there and straight back. Julia, you are not allowed to go anywhere unless we say other wise."

"That's not fair! I'm an adult. I should be able to do what I want."

"When you live in my house you live by my rules. And that means you follow them. If you don't like them, then feel free to leave, but you wont be allowed back. Do you understand?"

Julia just walked away without saying anything and locked herself up in her room.

She decided that she was going to go to practice at the museum. She was just hoping that she could find somewhere to sleep.

The Next Day

Evalynn was very excited when she woke up. It was the first day of practice at the museum. Her and Phineas left early so that they were there before everyone else. They were super excited. They had two songs already ready to go, all they would have to do is teach everyone the dance routines and then they would be ready for their first show.

They walked up to the building and were surprised to see that Julia was already there.

"Good morning Julia." Phineas said.

"Good morning Mr. Barnum."

Phineas unlocked the door and the three of them walked in.

"So, what made you want to get here so early?" Evalynn asked.

"I'm so excited. I couldn't remember exactly what time rehearsal started so I wanted to get here early."

"Thats alright. You can help us set up."

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