Chapter Eight

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Evalynn trailed behind Phineas as he lead her back into their apartment. He led her into the kitchen.

"Wait here."

She nodded her head and waited in the kitchen like she was told. She was wondering what he could possibly surprise her with this time. After a minute or two Phineas came back into the kitchen with some papers in his hand and Charity and the girls trailing behind him.

"So, you've been living with us for a while now, and it doesn't seam like you'll be going anywhere. We know how much your father hurt you and we decided we were going to do something about it." Phineas vaguely explained.

"What do you mean?"

He handed her the papers ans she was shocked when she realized what they were.

"Are these adoption papers?" Her voice cracked and her eyes started to tear up.

"They are." A big smile was plastered onto all of their faces. "Since your eighteen all you have to is sign it and then you'll officially be a Barnum."

"We don't need to get my dad to sign them?" She looked up at Phineas.

"No. Not since your eighteen."

She ran up to him and embraced him in a hug.

"Thank you. This means a lot to me."

She pulled away and quickly signed the papers.

Helen and Caroline ran up to her and hugged her.

"Does this mean your our sister now?" Helen asked.

"It does. Only if you want though."

"Of course we do!"

They all spent the rest of the evening talking and celebrating the good news.

The Next Day

Today was a bug day for everyone. It was the day of their first performance at the museum.

The Barnums were swarmed by news reporters asking about the adoption, but they didn't tell them too much. Her biological father was still out there and they didn't want him to find her.

They spent most of the day stay the museum practicing for the big performance. They all started to get in their costumes an hour before the show was supposed to start.

Evalynns costume was a blue leotard and makeup that matched.

They were all almost done getting ready when Phineas walked in singing.

"Come alive, come alive. Go and light your light, let it burn so bright. Reaching up to the sky. And it's open wide, your electrified."

He grabbed a pillow that someone was laying on and shoved it up the fat mans shirt and then kept singing. Helping everyone finish their costumes while he sang.

"And the world becomes a fantasy and your more than you could ever be cause your dreaming with your eyes wide open. And now you can't go back again to that world that you were living in cause were dreaming with our eyes wide open. So come alive!"

The tall man had tripped and they had all crowded around him to try and keep him from falling. This lead them to stumble onto the stage.

Everyone in the crowd was shocked. They were not used to seeing so many unusual human beings in the same place before.

Evalynn wasn't quite ready to be seen so she ran back behind the curtain and tried to catch her breath.

Phineas noticed that her and Tom were still back there so he ran over to Evalynn.

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