Chapter Three

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A/N: The girl in the picture is Julia Carlyle

They all went back inside to have cake. The cake was a surprise so Helen and Caroline were confused when Charity told them to sit and wait while her and Evalynn walked into the kitchen. Phineas sat down at the table with the younger girls.

"Now. I know that were not related by blood, but you two are like sisters to me. I wanted to do something special for your birthday so I asked your mom for help." She turned around and opened the fridge. "Make sure you thank me and your mom."

She set the cake down on the table. "Happy birthday Caroline."

The two little girls squealed with excitement. "I love it!! Thank you so much!" Caroline said.

Charity cut them each a slice and they all sat together and ate their cake. They all went around the table telling their favorite stories about Caroline. Their night was filled with laughter and joy and they ended up going to bed later than they had hoped. Barnum couldn't sleep though. He was so worried that they wouldn't have enough money since he was now jobless. He had an idea though. And if he was right, this could be his best idea yet. While he was thinking about that Evalynn lied awake thinking about someone. That someone being Philip Carlyle.

She couldn't get him out of her head. His brown hair, his blue eyes. The way he said her name. She was falling in love with him, so she dealt with her emotions the only way she knew how to. Music. She used to write songs all the time, until her dad abandoned her. She missed it. So a few days ago she went out and bought a notebook and a pack of pens and pencils and got to work. She already had the first part of the song written.

I'm a ghost in your eyes.

A shadow you can't seam to recognize.

I have a thought of you for every star in the sky, but I'm scared I'll never cross your mind.

Yeah I'm scared.

She hummed the melody to herself and surely enough more words were coming to her.

Will our stars ever align?

Will two hearts beat in time?

These words you should always remember.

To you, my heart I surrender.

She was starting to fall asleep so she put her stuff away. She wasn't aware of Phineas standing outside of her door listening to her sing. So she went to sleep.


Evalynn woke up the next morning to the smell of bacon. She dragged herself out of bed and got dressed and then walked into the kitchen. She saw Charity and P.T. cooking so she went and sat down at the table.

"Good morning Evalynn." Charity said.

Evalynn smiled. "Good morning!"

PT smiled. "You seem like your in a good mood today."

"I am. I don't have to work today."

"That makes sense. Do you think you could make sure that the girls get their school work done today.?" Charity asked.

The Barnums homeschooled their kids. It was less expensive and they felt like it wasn't necessary to pay for a fancy primary school where they wouldn't see their family for months on end.

"Of course! I was wondering if we could go out when they were done? Just to the shops and stuff."

PT dumped some food onto a plate and placed it in-front of her. "Of course you can! You need to be back by noon because I have a surprise for the four of you."

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