Chapter Eleven

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Julia was taking a shower in their room and Evalynn was reading a book. Someone knocked on the door.

"Come in!"

The door opened, revealing Philip.

"Hello Philip. What bring you by?"

He sat on Julias bed. "You've been in love before right?"

She was confused by his question, but answered anyway.

"Yes. I have."

"Okay. Tell me how to win over a girls heart."

"Ooooo you have feelings for someone!"

He blushed.

Julia came out of the bathroom. "Ooo brother, tell us who it is!"

Julia sat next to Evalynn and they both stared at Philip.

"Look that doesn't matter I just need to know how to show that I love her."

"But that entirely depends on who it is. It depends on their personality and interests." Julia said.

Philip sighed. "Okay. Its Anne. But you cant tell her!"

"Okay we wont. But you better ask her out soon I've seen the way she looks at you." Evalynn said.

They spent the last hour of their trip giving Philip advice on what to do. They got to the dock and everyone unloaded their stuff and walked to the palace. It was beautiful. There were three bedrooms set up for them so they all had somewhere to sleep.

"I cant believe we get to see the queen tomorrow! And we all get to wear our costumes! Its gonna be amazing!" Evalynn exclaimed.

They slept through the night. They were glad to be on solid land. The next morning they were all getting ready to meet the queen. They were all dressed up, but Phineas and Philip were nowhere to be found.

"I wonder what those two are up to." Julia said.

Anne walked over to the two of them. "Girls. I need to rant."

"Were listening."

"So I like Philip. Like a lot. But my brother is scared that he isn't going to want to be seen with me since my skin is a different color. Especially with how his parents are."

They explained to her about how Philip came to them and they gave him advice.

"If he hurts you I'll hurt him. Just because he's my brother doesn't mean I'm going to defend him when he's wrong."

Anne smiled and then someone knocked on the door.

"Its show time!"

They all went out into the hall and were surprised to see Phineas and Philip wearing normal suits and not their ring leader costumes.

"Thats odd." Lettie said.

She was walking right behind the two men.

"Why aren't we in tails?

Phineas turned around. "Because were the entertainment."

"I don't see you in a costume."

They came to a halt as the queen's servant introduced the group.

"You're majesty. Mr. Phineas T. Barnum and his, oddities from America."

He stepped aside and the group walked down the aisle towards the queen. There were murmurs and whispers coming from the onlookers, but the group pressed on.

They got up to the front and Philip stepped forward.

"You're Majesty. May I present Mr. Barnum."

Phineas nodded his head.

"The honor is mine Mr. Barnum. And I've heard all about your little Colonel from my friends in America."

Tom stepped forward. "It's General, Ma'am."

She looked at him. "You're smaller than I imagined!"

"Well you're not exactly reaching the top shelf yourself, sweetheart."

Everyone gasped as the queen stared at them. Phineas looked around to see what he could do to de escalate, but before they knew it the Queen was laughing.

Eventually everyone else was laughing too.

After their encounter with the queen they all went around to mingle. No one really talked to them, but they were just happy to be there.

Anne was fidgeting and looked uncomfortable and that didn't go unnoticed by Philip. He was trying to keep am eye on her and try to talk to her, but Phineas had him glued to his side. He was about to walk over to her, but Julia was already talking to her.

The man came out again to announce another person.

"Your Majesty, Mrs. Jenny Lind."

"Who is that?" Phineas asked.

"The opera singer?"


"She's the most famous performer in all of Europe. She's sold out La Scala a dozen time. Not to mention the french opera."

Phineas called Evalynn over and they walked towards Jenny.

"What are we doing?" Philip asked.

"I'm following you so you can introduce me to Mrs. Jenny Lind."

"Introduce you?


"I don't know her."

Phineas smiled. "Everyone knows her. You said it yourself."

"Yeah exactly. You don't just march up to someone like this." Philip said.

Phineas cleared his throat as they approached her and she turned around.

"Mrs Lind. My name is Philip Carlyle. This is Evalynn Barnum, and the extraordinary gentleman next to me,"

"Phineas Taylor Barnum. The pleasure is mine."

"Of course. You're the american. I believe I might have heard of you."

"Well if you've heard of me all the way over here I must be doing something right."

She smiled. "That, or something terribly wrong."

"Well, in the world of publicity theres hardly a difference."

Evalynn was getting a weird feeling about the way Phineas was looking at Jenny. It was something more than admiration.

"Well those are the words of a scoundrel Mr. Barnum."

"A showman, Mrs. Lind. Just a showman. The best on my side if the Atlantic."

They were all getting the feeling that she thought Phineas was full of himself.

"Well if you do say so yourself."

Evalynn was trying not to laugh.

She excused herself from the conversation because she was getting bored. She heard him inviting her to perform in New York and about how her talent was real.

What did he mean by that? Was he just using them to get famous?

They preformed for everyone later that night and then their voyage back to the states began, only this time they had an extra person on board. They were all in the dining hall. Phineas and Jenny were no where to be found so they all talked about how they felt about it and Evalynn told then what he said.

"Something real. As if our talent is fake." Anne said.

"I don't know what's gotten into him."

"Lets just hope his want for more doesn't get ahead of him."

They finished eating and went to bed. Then they traveled the rest of the way home.

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