Chapter Five

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The next days morning was very busy for all of them. Phineas was working on a poster to hang up for the new and improved Barnum museum. They had been working all morning to get then hung up everywhere. Eventually Helen and Caroline got bored of hanging posters so they went home with Charity to do their school work and help around the house.

They had stopped home to eat lunch and then went back out. Evalynn thought that they were going to keep hanging posters, but Phineas had other plans. They went to the hospital and asked for the birth records of Charles Strand. Once he got those he went to Charles house.

"What did you need the birth records for?" Evalynn asked.

"To find out who his mother is. And to ask him to join our show."

She chuckled. "Your crazy."

He nocked on their door and a women with grey hair and dark eyes answered the door.

"You must be Gertrude Strand. I'm looking for your son."

She looked at him in disbelief. "I don't have a son."

Evalynn grabbed the hospital records from Phineas and held them up for Gertrude to see. "Hospital records say you do. Charles, 22 years old."

Phineas smiled at her as Gertrude let them into the house. She yelled for Charles to come out of his room and when he opened his door she was surprised.

He was short. Way shorter than any 22 year old she had ever seen. He was different and she liked that. He put her oddly colored eyes and scars to shame.

Phineas crouched down to his level and looked him in the eyes.

"You must be Charles. I'm putting together a show. And I need a star."

Charles looked up at the man. "You want people to laugh at me."

"The people are already laughing kid. Might as well get paid."

Evalynn elbowed him for saying that. He gave her a 'what' look and they both looked up as Charles closed his door.

Phineas got up to try to talk to him again but Evalynn stopped him.

"Let me try." She walked up to his door and knelt down.

"I see a soldier, No a general riding across the stage with a sword and a gun in the most beautiful uniform ever made. People wont come to laugh."

Charles opened the door again and Evalynn smiled. "They'll salute."

"Okay. I'll do it." He said.

Phineas handed him the flyer that had the time of their auditions tomorrow. They left and then started walking back into town.

"You were pretty good back there." Phineas said.

Evalynn smiled. "Yeah. I know how he feels. Being looked down on."

There was a moment of silence as they walked down the street.

"Are you going to audition for the show?"

Evalynn stopped walking. "You want me to be in your show?"

He stopped and looked at her. "Of course. You're unique. And amazing. And I heard you singing the other night. I wasn't going to say anything at first, but I think you're really talented."

She gulped. "You heard me singing?"

"I did. And I need songs for you guys to preform, so you could help write them."

"I don't know about performing with the others, but I can help write the songs." She smiled.

"Just think about it. We could teach you how to dance and it would be amazing." He said eagerly.

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