Chapter 2: Emptiness

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Let's start:

It was around 6am when Glynda had woken up, only to find the boy mumbling in his sleep and fidgeting in bed. As she noticed the tears and dried blood at the corners of his strained eyes, she could only imagine the pain and trauma the boy was experiencing. Nightmares plagued the boy's mind as he tossed and turned in the bed.

She leaned forward and placed a gentle hand on his cheek. The boy initially flinched in his sleep, only to calm. His breathing settled down and he visibly relaxed. Glynda let out a sigh, glad that the boy was calm now. Though in her mind the image of those eyes frighten her to no end

(00:15 to 00:19)
He had gone through so much in the past few weeks and only now did Glynda have an idea of what he was going through. It frustrated her that she couldn't help the boy with the chaos he faced.

He tried to be strong and struggle alone. Was he trying not to burden others with his mistakes and issues? Or was he trying to run away from the issue and avoid solving it altogether? Facing things alone only made things worse and Glynda only hoped that he would finally accept the support of the staff members at Beacon. Not just for his own sake, but for the sake of the staff members themselves. The teachers cared for the students. They invested in the students so that they could become ideal hunters and huntresses. Strong-willed, wise, noble and just.

Glynda felt the boy stir underneath her hand. She watched as bloodshot eyes slowly fluttered open. He didn't move his body, only surveying his surroundings until his eyes rested on Glynda.

"M-miss Goodwitch....", his voice was hoarse and weak, but she heard it, nevertheless.

She gave him a weak smile, but it quickly faded as she recalled the events of the previous day.

"How are you feeling?"

Jaune sat up slowly and tried to gauge how he felt.

"Empty, nothing  at all."

Glynda nodded.

There was a moment of silence before Miss Goodwitch laid a hand on Jaune's hand. He flinched but relaxed soon after.

"Jaune, Professor Ozpin is gonna want to speak with you. Will you be okay to go there?"

Jaune nodded but didn't say a word.

They quietly made their way to Ozpin's office. It was luckily still too early, so there were no students roaming the halls.

When they arrived, Ozpin was gazing out over Vale's horizon.

"Ah, Mr. Arc, nice to see you still in one piece. Please, take a seat. Glynda, would you be so kind as to fetch us some breakfast? I'm sure he must be rather hungry after yesterday's ordeal."

Glynda nodded and left the office. Ozpin took his seat in front of Jaune.

The headmaster and Jaune sat in silence for several minutes. Jaune kept his eyes on his shoes. He already felt his heart break several times yet since yesterday all that was gone just nothing

Ozpin just continued to stare at Jaune. It's as though he were pondering something very important.

"Tell me Mr. Arc, would you like some coffee?"

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