Chapter 12: Mission and Siblings

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Accelerator here you already know what to do and before we start two things one chapter 13 will be the end of season one repeat end of season one, not the story after two Side story chapters I'll focus on Campione before starting season two, and two I'm not doing the breach (It still happened but Jaune wasn't there for it)

Let's Start:

Within the Forest near Mount Gleam, two people were face to face both women with blond hair and blue eyes, one wearing armor with a bikini top the other normal clothing

Within the Forest near Mount Gleam, two people were face to face both women with blond hair and blue eyes, one wearing armor with a bikini top the other normal clothing

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Angelica: "What do you want Saphron?"

Saphron: "I just want to know what are you planing sister"

Angelica: "That is personal"

Saphron: "It became personal when you drag Jaune into it"

Angelica: "Here I thought ... never mind"

Saphron: "You realize that only mother doesn't know what happened to Jaune and I'm worried how things will end up if she found out"

Angelica: "Funny considering this whole thing started because of you"

Saphron: "Don't remind me, I hate the fact It was me that lead to this still father had no right to decide our fate"

Angelica: "Well he is the controlling type in either case..."

Suddenly Angelica started to cough and holding her chest breathing heavily with Saphron holding her

Saphron: "sis..."

Angelica: "It's alright...just need to rest"

Angelica getting up and walking away

Angelica: "Saphron all I ask is this no matter what don't interfere in Jaune's affair not until after the festival"

With that, she disappeared into the darkness of the woods leaving Saphron by herself looking down

Saphron: "Was it wrong to grant my baby brother his wish..."


The day after the dance within Ozpin's office General Ironwood, Goodwitch, and Ozpin are having a chant on what happened last night

Ironwood: "They were here Ozpin, They were here!!!"

Ironwood slamming his fist against Ozpin's desk

Goodwitch: "We're very much aware of that! thank you, James"

Ironwood: "Fantastic! You're aware! Now are we going to do something about it or should we just stay the course and continue to ignore what's right in front of us?!"

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