Season 2 Chapter 6: Mirrors

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Accelerator here remember to comment your thoughts and opinion

And I already know this chapter is overdue with no excuse other than wanting it to be right so let me know what you thing of the first part (and for any mistakes)

Let's start:

10 years ago:

As a kid with blue hair and eyes got up as a bunch of older kids left

Bully 1: "Next time freak don't show your face"

Bully 2: "Otherwise we put you down"

The kid glared at the bullies

Grimmjow: "Butch of Jackasses"

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Grimmjow: "Butch of Jackasses"

As he walked home entering an orphanage, entering in he was greeted by someone who was rummaging thru a closet

???: "Hey Grimmjow...did you pick a fight again"

Grimmjow: "No big sis I didn't"

As the person got out of the closet as her green hair was clearly seen

As the person got out of the closet as her green hair was clearly seen

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Nellie: "The bruises say otherwise....Why can't you make a friend"


As their blades clashed bushing each other back Grimmjow smiled savagely as both him and Jaund continue to clash for dominance

As their blades clashed bushing each other back Grimmjow smiled savagely as both him and Jaund continue to clash for dominance

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