Ova short 2: Shion and Jaune's New Routine

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If I didn't state in chapter 13 I'll state it here, after this Ova Jaune Uchiha will be going on temporary hiatus before people start it's just a break, and remember theirs is also Campione and the one-shot stories from request (Only accept them on Sundays)

Let's start:( takes place after chapter 7)

It was the following day after Jaune came back and demolished team CRNL in the dormitory a girl with purple hair woke up hitting her alarm noting the time getting off her temporary in Jaune's room she walked to the boy waking him up

Shion: "Master time to wake up"

Jaune: "Alright alright"

Jaune getting up turning to the Oni rubbing his drowsy eyes

Jaune: "You forgot what Goodwitch said about calling me that"

Shion: "I really don't see the problem after all you are the master of my sword"

Jaune just sighed getting ready for a troubled but semi-normal day with Shion

Jaune: 'This is Shion if it's not one thing it's another'

Seeing Shion smile

In Dr.Oobleck classroom students entered with Jaune sitting on the back, many people saw him some curse under their breath, others glaring, one did something stupid and throw a book at him, Jaune dodge it glaring at the person

Jaune: "Whatever problem you have me shove it down in the back of that empty head of yours"

Random 1: "How about you try and..."

Before he could finish a large sword flew past him close to his face by an inch piercing the wall with the student who threw it walking past him picking it up

Shion: "Next person who says any else about Jaune or do anything to him I'll shove Veldora up your ass got it"

Some students stayed quiet others laughter until she applied strength to her feet when she stomped the ground destroying the entire classroom

Shion: "Is that...CLEAR"

Putting bloodlust on the word clear making her point as everyone node their heads or said "Yes ma'am"

With the teacher himself walking into the classroom he didn't need to look around to know who did this and why especially since he knew her for almost seven months

Oobleck: 'I swear her loyalty to Jaune is almost fanatical or worse' "Class is canceled however you still have h.w exception of Jaune and Shion" cough "my apologies, Mr. Uchiha, and Ms. Tempest"

Team RWBY and team PRN showed up in Time to hear the announcement with everyone leaving the room with Weiss approaching Oobleck

Weiss: "Sir what happened here? Why are those two except?"

Oobleck: "Nothing to worry about as for their exception is simple as both of them being ahead of the class by seven months now if you excuse me I have papers to check...again"

Oobleck was about to leave but also remembered something before turning to Jaune

Oobleck: "Before I forget Mr.Uchiha here"

Passing both a book and a check to Jaune with the young Uchiha read the cover of the book

Jaune: "Lives of the hidden leaf by Dr.Oobleck and Jaune Uchiha"

Oobleck: "Thanks to your help my research of the mysterious civilization has made new leaps and bound and the check is a fair compensation now I need to get going"

Oobleck using his semblance to rush out of the room

Jaune: "This is a lot of Lien"

Shion: "True...guess the book was a hit"

Jaune and Shion walking out to the hallway for their next class hearing heals behind them

Weiss: "Hold it dolt"

The duo continue to walk ignoring Weiss Yang getting angry and stud in front of them blocking their way

Yang: "She said to stop"

Weiss: "Now I demand an answer Arc why..."

To their surprise, they saw Jaune and Shion past Yang in a blink of an eye

Blake noting Yang's eyes are turning red she rushed to Jaune grabbing his shoulder

Blake: "We just want answers"

Shion smacking her hand away

Jaune: "I'll make it clear to all of you I don't have to explain anything nor do you deserve any answers"

Ren: "On the contrary you do"

It was a glimpse but Ren saw Jaune eyes change color for a second

Jaune: "I don't, you made it clear that day you wanted nothing to do with me so I'll make it clear to you, all of you we are not friends not even associates to me your nothing but self-centered pieces of garbage calling me selfish when you guys are more selfish than me"

Weiss: "Don't you dare talk..."

Jaune: "I'll talk any way I want last I checked you didn't show any form of respect to me so why should I to you"

Jaune walking to Ren whispering one word to him

Jaune whispering: "Kuroyuri"

Shutting Ren down with Yang hair in flames

Yang: "Do you want to start"

Jaune: "An eye for an eye to translate Xiao long I'm only returning the favor"

Yang charged in only for Shion to punch her and sent her flying back

Shion: "Why are you even surprised you reap what you sow"

Walking away Ruby looking down with Nora as Pyrrha comforting Ren

Later that day Shion was found in the Kitchen cooking with Dr. Oobleck noticing this and running away to Ozpin and Goodwitch confusion

That day everyone in Beacon except two people had food poisoning

That day was the start of an annoying schedule for Jaune and a routine for Shion of waking up going to class dealing with nonsense and Shion destroying something physically or by her poison cooking (Jaune somehow sees her cooking as good)

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