Season 2 Chapter 7: Stubborn Idiots

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Let's start:

Shion: "Mangekyō..."

With a black like flame aura covering Jaune giving a sympathetic look at Grimmjow

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With a black like flame aura covering Jaune giving a sympathetic look at Grimmjow

Jaune: "Kyōka Suigetsu sorry this is my first time properly using this technique of mine

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Jaune: "Kyōka Suigetsu sorry this is my first time properly using this technique of how about you get serious yourself..."

As the black flame-like aura covered Jaune's body including his sword
(replace blue with black)

As the black flame-like aura covered Jaune's body including his sword (replace blue with black)

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Jaune: "Or I'll force you Grimmjows"

This caused Grimmjow to laugh as he raised his sword to his side

Ironwood: "Ozpin have security raise the barrier at maximum with the civilians evacuated now!"

Jaune: "What the hell!?"

Before Jaune could react Grimmjow was next to him kicking in in the face however it just faze right thru Jaune as he disappeared in black flames

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