Chapter 3 Hidden Leaf

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Let's Start:

The bullhead ride took several hours. He was luckily able to keep his motion sickness 'somewhat' under control during the ride. When they arrived at the site, it was already early evening. The site seemed to be at a mountain range. According to the documents, Jaune got from Ozpin, the temple was inside one of the mountains. The bullhead landed on a platform near what looked to be the temple entrance.

Exiting the bullhead, he made his way into the ruins. Most of the temple was deteriorating. It was clear that the temple was quite old from the cracked brickwork. Upon entering deeper, he was met with the blurry teacher that was heading up the operation.

"Excellent, you made it here in one piece.", said Dr. Oobleck.

"Hi, Profess-uhh Doctor Oobleck. This is an interesting operation you got going on here."

Oobleck led him into a room that seemed to be the basecamp. Looking around, Jaune saw tools scattered on the floor, some strange instruments that seemed to be measuring...something? And a single tent.

"Yes, indeed. I have been heading up this operation for a couple months now. We cleared most of the temple, however we haven't found anything useful quite yet. Ozpin told me that you would be assisting me in finding some valuable intel. I won't be able to accompany you during the week since I have classes to teach. However, I will assist you tomorrow and next week Saturday."

"So, I'll be all alone Monday to Friday? Isn't that dangerous? Ozpin said the Grimm were minimal, but I'd rather not take any risks you know?"

"HA! 'Minimal' is an understatement. There are absolutely no Grimm WHATSOEVER! Due to the lack of humans within a 30-mile radius, there is no negativity to attract the Grimm. Our entire operation has been Grimm-free, especially considering I only visit on weekends."

Oobleck's usual hyper-active response startled Jaune but he let out a sigh of relief. The less Grimm he faced right now, the better. He just wanted to get this mission over and done with.

"Well, I'll go ahead and set up my tent and unload my supplies."

Oobleck nodded. "Yes, go ahead and make yourself comfortable. I'll take you on a tour of the place tomorrow morning."

Jaune nodded and went to set up his tent. He didn't interact much with the crazy teacher but made small talk here and there. Eventually it became late and the two went to bed.

"How could you?!"

Jaune found himself in darkness. As he tried to find his bearings, he found a large crowd of people all staring at him. He couldn't see their faces, only dark silhouettes with red eyes staring at him. They continued to glare at him while they spoke.

"You're too weak. It's hopeless."

"That's him. The faker."

"I thought huntsman were supposed to be honourable."

Jaune panicked. He tried to turn around but bumped into another tall, dark figure. This one stood a head or two taller than him. It stared down at Jaune menacingly.

"Did you even think about how your sisters would be effected by all this?!"

Jaune tripped and fell back onto his rear. He tried crawling away from the silhouette. The figure slowly made its way closer to Jaune. Jaune tried crawling faster but then he heard the previous group of figures speak up again.

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