Season 2: Chapter 1 Fighting Festival Begins

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Accelerator here and welcome back to Jaune Uchiha so grab some popcorn and/or something to drink because we're starting season 2 and remember to leave a comment with your thoughts and opinion

Let's start:

In the training facility at Beacon, a person was destroying the Grimm projection quickly as a girl with a horn wearing a purple suit looked at him worried

Shion: "Jaune..."

Looking at Jaune as he destroyed his 50th Ursa major.

Two weeks has passed since the breach and coming back from the mission Jaune has been quiet and distant refusing to talk about what happened to him. From what Shion can tell from Jaune's eye she can tell it was drastic.

After the 100th Ursa major Jaune was barely standing as Beowolves was about to attack from behind the simulation was shut off by Glynda Goodwitch who saw it all.

Glynda: "Mr.Uchiha, please this is enough, for now, rest if you keep this..."

Jaune: "I get it"

Glynda just sighed as Jaune walked back to his room

Shion: "Will he be alright?"

Glynda: "I dought it with council down on his neck and the restriction placed on him there is also the matter of his family coming over tomorrow he starting being cornered by one problem after another "

Shion: "What restrictions..."

Glynda: "It's better if you hear it from him right now me and Ozpin are finding loopholes and ways to get the council to back off him"

The next day Jaune woke up to a new scene as he got up he saw Shion on top of him in nothing but her birthday suit

Jaune: "why are you on top of me naked?"

Shion: "I want to know what's been happening to you lately"

Jaune: "It's nothing to worry about"

Shion: "Don't lie...I get you have a thing about shutting other people out because of trust issue but...please don't shut me out"

Jaune: "Shion... alright"


A day after the mission Jaune was in Ozpin's office looking at Ozpin as he stood there shaken up with Glynda looking at Jaune worried.

Jaune: "Did you knew?"

Ozpin: "Mr. Uchiha I only"

Jaune: "I didn't ask for an explanation not yet so I'll ask again did you knew?"

Ozpin: "Yes"

Jaune: "Now you can explain to me why?"

Ozpin: "It was a request of your sister she didn't say why we assume it had something to do with your father"

Jaune: "Well you assumed wrong"

Ozpin just looked down

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