Chapter 11:The Dance Infiltration

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 Before I start the story two questions  first, what does everyone think of monster hunter rise I got way too absorbed by it I didn't play HMW that much but after MHR(monster hunter rise), I played World again and got into it until I remember I had to write this on the bright side I got some got Ideas for this story and more so for Campione

Second people's thoughts on any anime resent like "Re: Zero" or "That time I got reincarnated as a slime" season 2 or any 2020 or 2021 anime?

Other than that remember to comment and leave your thoughts and opinion also a heads up we're close to the season finale for Jaune Uchiha

Let's start:

In the Ballroom of Beacon Sun and Neptune entered in with team RW(B)Y mainly Weiss and Yang arguing on how to decorate the room while Ruby sit on the table looking at her scroll

Yang: "I thought we agreed on no doilies"

Weiss: "If I don't get doilies, you don't get fog machines!"

Neptune: "Your dance is ganna have fog machines?"

Weiss suddenly becoming shy for a bit

Weiss: "We were thinking about it..."

Neptune: "That's pretty cool"

Sun:" You ladies all excided for dress-up?"

Rudy who just looked down a bit 

Yang: "Laugh all you want I'll be turning heads tomorrow night!"

Weiss looking at Neptune and Sun 

Weiss: "So what are you guys wearing?"

Sun: "Uuuuhhh... this"

Sun pointing at his outfit while Neptune shook his head in disapproval raising his hand in front of his friend's face

Neptune: "Ignore him for he knows not what he says"

Knocking Neptune hand out of his face 

Sun: "Hey, I may have moved to mistral, but I grew up in Vacuo. It's not exactly a shirt-and-tie kind of place"

Yang: "We notice"

Sun: "Sooo...What does Blake think of this? or is she you know"

Weiss: "Ever since the whole bridge thing Blake has been reclusive and rarely hangs out with us"

Sun turning his head in confusion

Neptune: "She's been avoiding people"

Sun: "Oooh wait, why has she?"

Yang: "Jaune....after the bridge he destroyed her bow, and because of that everyone saw her cat ears not only that but she was also put on watch by Goodwitch to make sure she doesn't go off as she did before"

Sun: "Jaune ya from my interaction form him, he seems like a jerk"

Weiss: "You two meet him"

Neptune: "Ya when you guys fought that mech"

Both Sun and Neptune shivering from that interaction and remembering the cold blood-red eyes of his

Sun: "Ya someone I don't want to piss off"

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