Season 2 Chapter 9: Shadow Wars

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Note: It's been a while since I updated this story but sadly I'm considering dropping Jaune Uchiha repeat considering....This is mostly due to the fact I have no motivation to write it even less with people hounding me about it but it wouldn't be fair to leave it mid-story so I'll continue to work on it until the end of the 'Fall of Beacon Arc' after that it will be discontinued

But this story will be replaced with another story that will be uploaded soon

To everyone who loves this story sorry if you feel like continuing this story then you have my permission

Let's start:

In Ozpin's Office, the elevators door opened with Shion entered seeing Ozpin calmly drinking coffe

Ozpin: "Glad you've made it, Ms. Tempest"

Ozpin greeted as with Qrow standing at the side, chugging down his flask as usual.

Ozpin: "Well, it comes as no surprise that they've chosen you to move on to the final round of the tournament. Your performance was exemplary"

Shion: "Can we skip to the part why I'm here"

Qrow leaning against a column in the back of the room, arms crossed

Qrow: "Did people tell you're fun at parties"

Shion: "Glared at Qrow who raised his hands in defense"

Ozpin just sighed as he gesture to a open seat

Ozpin: "Please, take a seat and tell me Ms. Tempest what is your favorite fairy tale?"

Shion raised an eyebrow as Ozpin smiled



In the Hospital room, Jaune and Grimmjow are looking at Qrow and Ironwood as the headmaster was calmly drinking coffee

Grimmjow: "Care to repeat that?"

Grimmjow raised an eyebrow

Ozpin: "Fairy tales, stories from your childhood. Surely you must remember some of them"

Jaune looking solemnly

Jaune: "Well, I remember my sister Angelica reading to me about The Tale of The Two Brothers, The Shallow Sea, The Girl in the Tower...

Ozpin: "What about The Story of the Seasons?"

Grimmjow: "Yeah my sister told me about that...'A callous old man, who refuses to leave his home, is visited by four traveling sisters. (each of the four performs a different action, with the white one sitting down, the green bringing a basket of fruits, the orange calling their host out of the building, and the purple gesturing to what's around them) The first understands his reclusive nature and urges him to use his time in solitude to reflect and meditate. The second brings him fruits and flowers, tending to his crops and revitalizing his garden. The third warms the man's heart, convincing him to step outside and embrace the world around him. And the fourth and final sister begs him to look at all that he has, and be thankful. (a golden light emanates from the old man until it surrounds the four girls, who go on their way with the glow still around them) In return for their kindness, the man grants the maidens incredible powers, so that they may continue to help others all over the world. They graciously accept, and promise to share their gifts with the people of Remnant 'til the end of days my sister loved that story"

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