Chapter 8:One Change and Deep Tension

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Accelerator back to our regular program I'll say it know I'll be ultering between this story and another story Usurper of storm a campione story you guys should check out and the anime as well enough shameless promotion remember to leave your thoughts,opinion, and comment

Let's start:

Two Weeks two long weeks for Jaune and it was either shocking like team CRDL swallowing their pride or not pleasant at the slightest with certain people for multiple reason one being he was the brunt of Ms.Goodwitch's lecture for a 'fight' that wasn't his fault, Shion issue with team PRN or now team PRSN(Pristine) that and his issue with Team......RWBY there were multiple cases however there was one incident outside of school grounds that lead to everyone getting detention. While Ms.Goodwitch and Ozpin was having the mother of all nightmares dealing with the aftermath of the destruction left behind and questioning the free reigns Rwby seems to have and finding a way to settle the issue between Rwby, PRN, and Jaune.

Starting with team CRDL

Jaune sitting in the back of the cafeteria with Shion eating peacefully until they see Cardin walking to them preparing to deal with him until they heard Cardin say something the shut everyone up  

"We're sorry"

Those was the only words heard in the cafeteria no one ever imagine Cardin the most arrogant person swallowing his pride and nit just apologizing but bowing to Jaune while Jaune himself looking at him not really taking it seriously

"I get it what I done not just to you but also to students here I have no right to be a huntsmen, I acted arrogant, hurting, and even extorting students I'm not asking for forgetting"

Getting up from his seat and walking to Cardin

"Good at least you learn but apologizing isn't good enough you say don't want forgiveness but from what I'm seeing you your begging for forgiveness"

Cardin tightening his fist looking at Jaune directly in the eye  

"Then tell me if this isn't enough then what is"

Shion getting up looking at Cardin 

"What my master meant was If you want forgiveness then earn it"

"Earn it?"

Jaune continuing what Shion was saying

"Prove it with your action not words"

Cardin who just smiled at this a bit before walking away

"Thanks for the wake up call......Jaune"

With team Rwby overhearing everything

Weiss looking annoyed

"People don't change that easily once a brute always a brute"

Ruby looking at Weiss

"Weiss from the looks of things he's seems to want to change"

Blake interrupting Ruby

"Ruby people like that don't change

Yang butting in

"I have to agree"

"hmm.....Funny that you mention it" 

Jaune looking at team Rwby

"what we're only speaking the truth Don't like it Ark"

"People don't change if what you say is true than the apple doesn't fall far from the tree"

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