Chapter 13: Big Sister

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Accelerator here took a little longer than it supposes to but this is the season finally for Jaune Uchiha so to all who supported this story I want to say thank you for your support you know what to do comment your thoughts and opinion

Let's start:

In the bullhead

Jaune next to Goodwitch taking a nap while said teacher talking to Dr.Oobleck about the huntsman/huntress in training in the bullhead

Oobleck: "Ms. Goodwitch are you sure leaving Mr. Uchiha by himself for this mission"

Goodwitch: "No however as soon I found out about team Rwby choose this mission I knew it was a bad sign leaving me no choice"

As she massages her head sighing

Goodwitch: "While I worry I know he'll be fine...'I hope'... considering his semblance and his fighting ability improving by a mile while keeping a level head and can be trusted alone while team RWBY can't"

Oobleck: "I do agree team RWBY does need supervision however  there is more to his mission is there..."

Goodwitch: "I can't say..."

Goodwitch looking way

While team RWBY had their conversation

Yang: "Can't believe we have to work with him"

Blake: "Yang if you listened Ms. Goodwitch said his mission and ours are just in the same area"

Yang: "I heard and the annoying thing we need to be supervised by two teachers while he can go off on his own"

Weiss: "Makes me wonder what going through the teacher's head right now?"

Ruby: "The teachers have every right after what happened with the mech we are lucky we are allowed to take missions and Yang we talked about how to talk about Jaune"

Yang: "Ruby I said it before..."

Ruby: "Ruby no I gave you an order as a team leader this issue with Jaune ends now and as your sister who I associate is my choice, not yours"

Yang just sighed in frustration with Ruby looking at Jaune while Weiss adjusted her hat

Blake: "Weiss it's fine"

Weiss: "Fine...Fine!...because of the fight Pyrrha had with that psycho demon part of my hair is burnt off"

Weiss had a brief flashback of the ballroom on fire


The ballroom Collapsing as people ran for their lives as fire ran across the room with the sound of two people fighting with no other reason but to destroy each other

Random 1: "Run for your lives!!!"

Random 2: "My legs!!! I can't feel my legs"

Random 3: "Dear Oum Why me"

Random 4: "Oum I'm praying to God why is this happening"

With the fire spreading wildly reaching outside

Weiss: "My hair someone help me"

(This is the best I can do just work with it)

(This is the best I can do just work with it)

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