Chapter 4: Stranded? and Words of Wisdom

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Accelerator here just a heads up besides time moving differently (obviously)I won't go thru everything Jaune experience in Konoha it will be explained in future chapters as small flashbacks.

Let's start:

"My name is Naruto Uzumaki and this is the hidden leaf village"

Wait, what?!". Now Jaune wasn't the sharpest sword around. But if one moment you're in some dingey cave and the next, you're in front of two people on a roof? You can't help but be in disbelief a little.

Jaune looked around the area. There were a mix of small and large building. However, when he looked straight up, and saw a mountain with carved in faces . The man who called himself Naruto had his face up there as well

Jaune could only stand with his eyes twitching at the scenery.

"Are you saying that after all these years, the miserius people those temple belong to are alive and formed a village hiding from the world?", Dr. Oobleck questioned.

"Hiding? I say we were thriving. Around the time of the Great war, many of our founders fought alongside Vale. What some of us lacked in combat prowess, we made up for in technique and abilities. However, after the war we created a portal to this place to hide. We feared that our knowledge would fall into the wrong hands. So, we isolated ourselves and our knowledge also the correct term for us is Shinobi.", said Naruto

"Truly remarkable. Centuries of history and culture hidden away from all of Remnant. However, I can't help but question why you are so willing to tell us all this information. You seem quite trusting of strangers who claim to be huntsmen. We could have easily had ill intentions.", Oobleck stated.

"Oh, by all means. Logically we shouldn't trust you. However, if you did anything we could easily eliminate you without a problem" the other man said

"Sorry about him", Naruto said "His name is Sasuke but despite the harsh attitude he's a good guy" Sasuke giving Naruto a look that made him laugh awkwardly   

Naruto continued his explanation "My second contingency is the fact that if you were going to harm me, you probably would've done it already. and if you did you'll be locked up but if you somehow beat and the Hokage as in leader of this village were to perish, you would be eliminated and probably or definitely started a war"

Jaune just looking at him while Oobleck remain quiet

Jaune just looking at him while Oobleck remain quiet

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(Jaune expression)

"That would be bad speaking of which Mister Uzumaki, how exactly do we return?", Oobleck questioned.

"Well, at the moment you will just have to sit tight. As you can see, you drained all the energy needed for the portal to Remnant.", Naruto gesture pointing at the floor They looked at the floor where they found a similar marking from the wall with the black dust. . However, unlike the doorway in the room they were no dust crystal

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