Going Public

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I woke up and saw Harry and Felly cuddled close together in his bed. I felt terrible that we had to do this. I wanted to tell them to forget it and that Felly deserves to be with Harry, not me. But they want Harry to still be the flirt and I can't expose their relationship or else she'll have to leave. I sighed. This is all so complicated.


Harry didn't say much during the interview, even though the interviewer tried to get him to answer questions. She finally asked the question that every interviewer asks us. "So boys, who here has a girlfriend?" Liam and Louis quickly raised their hands and I followed suit. The interviewer nodded at Liam and Louis, expecting them to raise their hands, then turned to me. "So the famous Zayn Malik has found himself a girl?" I nodded. "Her name is Felisha and she's our stylist who is from America." I said, just like management told me to. "Wow, settling down with someone from a different country? Who would've thought? Well that's all the time we have boys. One Direction, everybody!" We all waved as they cut to a commercial.


I was silent the ride back to the hotel. Paul kept shooting me worried glances but I ignored him. I quickly went up to my room and crawled into my bed, just wanting to forget that interview. Now Felly was known as Zayn'a girl and I just wanted her to be known as mine, not his.

I heard Felly and Zayn come into the room and then I felt the covers ripped off of me. I looked up and saw Felly. "Get a hold of yourself." I sighed and tried to get the covers back but she threw them on the floor, out of my reach. "If you don't at least try to act normal, then everyone's gonna think something's up and then they'll piece it together and I'll have to leave. Is that what you want? Cause if so then keep acting like this and I'll be out of here in no time."

I stared at her and her face softened. She picked the blanket up and put it back on the bed before crawling in next to me and draping the blanket over us. I laid my head on her chest and she wrapped her arms around me, gently running her fingers through my hair, calming me down.

"We can do this, Haz. We leave for America tomorrow and we spend two months there. After that, we come back and the tour's over. That means that I won't have to date Zayn anymore and you and I can act like a normal couple and not have to hide everything. Also, I'm all yours when we're in the privacy of our room. We can do this, I promise." I smiled. She definitely knew how to make me feel better. "Okay, I promise to be myself from now on." She smiled at me. "Good. Now get your ass out of bed so we can go get food." I chuckled and got out of bed, helping her out after I got up. She walked out of the room before me, meeting Zayn in the hallway. She winked at me before going to get food, hand-in-hand with Zayn. I watched her, mentally counting down the days before that could be me

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