Not Interested

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((A/N: So in honor of Thanksgiving here in America, I wanted to thank all you lovely readers and give you a surprise upload!

So without further ado, here is Chapter 7))



At about 6 in the morning I woke up and noticed Felly was gone. I guessed she had gone to get coffee. I checked my phone and saw a text from Liam saying that we needed to leave at 6:30 to go to an interview. I threw a pillow at Zayn and it hit him in the face. He grabbed it and threw it back.

"We have to leave in 30 minutes." I got up, grabbed some clothes and went into the bathroom to get ready. I came out 15 minutes later and Zayn and I walked downstairs together. The whole way he kept trying to talk to me but I just ignored him. By the time we got downstairs he had given up. I saw Felly talking on the phone with someone and I headed over to the boys.

"Who's she talking to?" I asked Louis. He just shrugged. She walked over to us and we all walked out to the car. I tried to start a conversation with her but she just ignored me like I had been doing with Zayn earlier.

When we arrived she walked into the dressing room to start preparing. I was about to follow her but Zayn pulled me into another room. "Harry, we need to talk." I tried to leave. "No thanks." "Dammit, Harry!" Zayn yelled. I turned to face him. "Just fucking ask her out already! She told me to share a bed with her, I didn't decide that. Stop being stupid and just ask her out!" I blinked as he pushed past me an left the room. He's right. Why haven't I just asked her out? What's the worst that could happen?

I sauntered into the dressing room and locked it behind me. "What are you doing?" She asked me. "Making sure you can't avoid me." She rolled her eyes. "Just sit, Styles." "Wait, I have something to ask you first." She sighed impatiently. "Fine." "Will you go out with me?" I held my breath, waiting for her answer.

"No," she said without hesitation. "Now sit." "Wait, but why?" "Because I can't. Sit." I sat down, engrossed in my thoughts until she said I could go. I stood and started to leave but then turned around. "Felly?" She looked up. "Yeah?" I cupped her face in my hands and pressed my lips against hers.


I pulled away from Harry, my mind going a million miles an hour. "Harry, I really can't..." He interrupted me. "Is it because of that guy you met?" "No, Harry..." "Then why? Is it me? Did I do something?"

"Harry!" I yelled, shutting him up. "It's not you, it's not some other guy, it's me. I'm not ready for a relationship with a famous singer." "We don't have to go public until you're ready." I sighed. "Harry, you have an interview. Now go." "Fine, but we're talking about this later." "Whatever, Harry." After he left I sat down in the chair and put my face in my hands. I hated lying to him but I couldn't tell him the truth about why I couldn't date him. It was better if he just thought I wasn't interested so he would hopefully give up. I ran my hand over my face and stood up, already dreading the talk he wanted to have later.


I was distracted during the whole interview. She has to be hiding something, I can just feel it. When the interview was over I ran to the dressing room so I could talk to her, but she wasn't there. I ran to find Paul. "Paul, where's Felly?" I asked him, slightly out of breath. "Preston took her back to the hotel so she could get some sleep before the concert tonight." He told me before gathering the other boys and taking us back to the hotel.

"Did you ask her out?" Zayn asked me once we were all in the car. I nodded. "Is that what was happening when you were locked in the room with her? We thought you two were having sex. I mean, we did hear her scream your name." Louis said with a cheeky grin, earning him a slap from Liam.

"She said no," I said quietly, ignoring Louis. "Oh, sorry mate," Zayn said, placing his hand on my shoulder.

When I got back to my hotel room, Felly was sleeping peacefully. I set my phone down and saw hers unlocked. The screen was on her recent calls and that last number that had called her looked oddly familiar. I scrolled through my contacts until I found the number. Management. Why was management calling her?

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