Shopping and Hot Guys

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Lou woke me up about six in the morning, telling me she had to go catch her flight. I hugged her and we said goodbye. I figured I might as well get dressed and go grab some coffee. I threw on a pair of blue skinny jeans and a loose light pink button down that I tucked in. I put a thin, brown belt on and slipped on some brown boots. I remembered seeing a Starbucks not that far from the hotel so I figured I would just walk there. I grabbed my wallet and headed out.

I walked up to the counter and ordered my white chocolate mocha, then sat down and waited. I glanced through my Twitter notifications and saw that the boys had followed me. I heard my name get called and I went up to grab my delicious mocha. As I turned around, I almost hit someone but luckily I moved out of the way just in time and saved my coffee.

“I’m so sorry,” I heard a British voice say. “It’s fine,” I replied with a smile. “No harm done.” I looked up and saw a guy who looked to be about 19. He had sandy brown hair that was messed up but still looked nice. He was tan and muscular and about 6’2”. He held out his hand. “I’m Luke.” I shook his hand and smiled, still studying his features. “I’m Felisha.” He kissed my hand. “What a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl.” I blushed and we sat down to drink our coffee. We talked for about an hour before I said I should probably head back to my hotel. He stood up quickly, “I’ll drive you back, my car’s right out front.”

When we got to the hotel, he walked me into the lobby and we exchanged phone numbers. He kissed my hand again. “I hope to hear from you, Felisha.” I had a goofy grin on my face as he walked away. I walked upstairs to see if any of the boys were awake yet.


I woke up and looked at my alarm clock. 6:50 AM. I yawned and got out of bed. I quickly threw some black skinny jeans and a white V-neck on and headed downstairs for some coffee. As I entered the lobby of the hotel I saw two people walk in. They were laughing and talking to each other. I smiled to myself, remembering how Felly and I had talked like that last night on the way to her room. I was about to get my coffee when I saw the girl’s face. It was Felisha. I watched as she put the number in her phone and headed upstairs, smiling. I glanced outside to where the guy had been. No, no, no. This can’t be happening. I’m supposed to get the girl! Not some douche she just met and talked to for an hour! I ran upstairs to find Zayn. Maybe he could help me.

I walked into the room I was sharing with Zayn and was glad to see he was awake. I sat down on his bed and explained what had just happened. He gave me a sympathetic look. “Look, Haz, we’re only in Doncaster for one more day. Then we’re off touring the world. He won’t be with her the time like you will. Besides, it’s not like they’re dating or anything. You still have a chance.” I nodded. “Yeah, you’re right. Thanks.” I hugged him then went to the bathroom to finish getting ready for the day, my mind already working on a plan to win her over.


At noon, we all piled into the car Louis had borrowed and he drove us to the mall. I was in between Harry and Niall. As we got out Harry pulled me to the side. “Buy anything you want, okay? I’ll take care of the cost.” I stared at him. “No way. I’m not letting you do that.” He smirked. “You don’t have a choice.” Then he walked back over to the other boys. I sighed and followed him.

Harry suggested we go to Jack Wills first, so all the boys put their disguises on. I laughed lightly. “Do those actually work?” “I guess we’ll find out,” Harry said with a wink. I rolled my eyes and followed them into Jack Wills. I immediately spotted a cute, dark blue hoodie, but put it down when I saw the cost. Harry came up behind me and picked it up. “Anything else you want?” He asked me. “Put it down, Harry. I’m not letting you buy that for me.” He smirked and paid for it. I held my hand out for the bag but he insisted on holding it. He was being oddly gentlemanly today and not overly flirtatious. I wonder what’s gotten into him…

Three hours and about fifty bags later, we all piled back into the car. We made a quick stop at Nando’s for Niall, which wasn’t actually quick because he had such a big order. While we were waiting for the food, I got a text.

From: Luke :)

Hey! You free on Friday perhaps? xx

I turned to Harry who quickly looked away. Had he been reading over my shoulder? Whatever. “When do we leave Doncaster?” I asked him. He smirked a bit. “Thursday,” he answered. Why was he so happy about that? Weird. I texted Luke back.

To: Luke :)

I’m actually leaving Doncaster on Thursday. Sorry. Maybe when I come back to visit?

From: Luke :)

Oh. Yeah, sure that works. :) In the meantime, we can just text or call xx

To: Luke :)

Sounds good :)

I put my phone away and glanced at Harry who seemed… Angry? Hurt? Determined? What’s gotten into him today? I shook it off and realized we were at the hotel. Harry helped me carry my bags to my room. “Make sure you’re packed,” he told me. “We’re leaving to go to Bradford tomorrow night.” I nodded and he hugged me. He told me goodnight, kissed my cheek and left. I changed into my pajamas and crawled under the covers. Maybe Louis knows what’s going on with Harry. They tell each other 

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