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It was Sunday afternoon when Harry was discharged from the hospital.

He was laying on the sofa.  Anne called Jay to let them know he was home, and that Louis could come over to see him after dinner. Robin had gone over to collect Gemma.

She ran into the living room, straight to Harry and sat on the floor beside him.

"Hello Harry. I missed you. Are you ok?" She asked quietly.

He didn't reply, just gave a little smile and held out his hand, which Gemma held.

"Do you want to watch a film?" He smiled again.
She put on finding Nemo and they sat together watching.

After dinner there was a knock at the door. Anne opened it.

"Hello Auntie Annie." He said nervously.

"Hey Lou. Come in love. Hi Jay. Thanks for looking after Gemma." They hugged and all went inside.

Louis went over to Harry and Gemma.

Harry's face lit up when he saw his best friend. He had missed him so much.

Gemma moved over so Louis could sit down beside him.

"I was so scared Harry. I'm glad you're ok." Louis said with tears in his eyes.

Harry looked at him. "I...I  ok ooo ooo."

Harry cuddled up to him, being careful of his shoulder, which was in a sling.

In the kitchen, Anne made coffee for herself and Jay.

"How are you? How's Harry?" Jay asked, sitting at the table.

"God Jay. I was so scared. It could've been so much worse, with his condition."

"I know love. He's ok though?"

"Yes. Just have to keep an eye on him. He should make a full recovery."


An hour had passed. Anne had Jay had moved into the living room.

"They're so cute." Jay said. All three kids were cuddled up on the sofa.  Harry was asleep.

Anne took a sneaky photo. "We're so lucky to have such amazing children."

"Mummy? Can I have a sleepover please?" Louis asked, quietly, so he wouldn't wake up Harry.

"Not tonight love. It's school tomorrow." Jay replied.

Louis huffed. "Not fair."

"Maybe this Saturday, if you're  good boy and it's ok with Auntie Annie. " Jay said, trying to keep the peace.

"Ok." He sighed, and went back to watching the TV.


Two weeks later, Harry was going back to school. Anne was nervous.

"He'll be fine. Try not to worry." Jay said as they all got in the car. A few minutes later they pulled up outside the school.

They walked into the playground together. There was still five minutes until the bell was due.

"Excuse me." A womans voice said from behind them. Jay and Anne turned around.

"Um...I'm Michael and Luke's Mum. I just wanted to apologise for what they did to Harry. They've both been punished."

They didn't realise the boys were twins before, let alone brothers.

Both boys stepped forward. "I'm really sorry Harry. I shouldn't have done what I did." Michael said.

"Me too. Sorry. Can we be friends?" Luke added.

Harry was clinging to Anne's side, trying to hide under her jacket.

"Thank you for saying sorry. He'll be ok, but he could've got hurt really bad. Promise me you won't do anything ever again?" Anne said, looking at the boys.

"Promise." They both replied.

"I really am sorry. I had no idea what they were doing." The boys Mum, Naomi, said.

"Its ok now. Harry has a condition. His bones are weak, so obviously being pushed could've caused great damage, so you can understand how upsetting this was for all of us...but we accept your apologies." They shook hands.

The bell rang. Naomi had left to see her boys into school. Jay was kissing Louis goodbye.

Anne had waved Gemma off and was now heading inside with Harry, still clinging to her side.

They made it to their classroom. "You have to go inside now love." Anne said, but Harry wouldn't let go.

"Hi Harry, Anne. Are you coming in?" Ariana appeared at the door.

He shook his head.

"Why not? We're gonna colour some pictures."

Harry hid his face in Anne's jacket.

"I'm sorry. He's a bit clingy."

"How's he doing after the accident?"

"He's been ok. A few headaches but alright other than that. He saw those boys in the playground, think he's a bit scared." She whispered the last part.

"They're not in this class anymore. They've been moved if that's worrying him." Ariana said.

Anne crouched down to Harry's level. "Harry love. Those boys aren't in your class now. But Niall and Asa are waiting for you. Do you want to go in now?"

Harry looked at her. She wiped a tear away that was falling down his cheek and kissed it. Harry sniffed and nodded. Anne gave him an extra special cuddle and kisses and he took Ariana's hand and went into the classroom.

"Harry!" A few children called out. "Harry's back, yay!"

He smiled and went to his seat next to Niall.

Niall leant over and hugged his friend. "I'm glad you're back. We all missed you." He said as Harry settled in his chair.

Asa waved at him from across the table, and Harry waved back with his good arm.

Harry had a good first say back at school. He ate all his lunch, which didn't happen much, played with his friends, coloured in a few pictures to give to his Mummy and even wrote his name nearly perfectly. He had no trouble from the twins, who stayed at the other side of the playground at break times.

And when he got home, they had homemade pizzas. Harry went to bed feeling the happiest he had for a long while.


You all ok I hope?

Thoughts on the chapter?

Do you think the twins meant they were sorry or is there more trouble to come?

All the love.  L. Xx


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