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"Oh please come with us Anne? You'll have a great time I promise." Jay begged. "You need a night out."

"I can't leave Harry." Anne replied.

"Mark is more than happy to look after him. Louis would love to have Harry for a sleepover."

"I don't know Jay. He's never had a night away from me before. I don't know if he would cope without me."

"You mean you don't think you would cope? I know you too well Anne. You need a night out with the girls. If it makes you happier, you can stay at ours for the night, so you're not away too long. Please?"

Anne thought about it. It's true, she was the one who wouldn't cope. In nearly five years, they had never spent more than the 6 hours a day apart when Harry was at school.

Anne sighed. "Ok."

Jay cheered and hugged Anne. "Great! I'll tell the girls." Jay got her phone out and texted the other friends.


It was Saturday evening.

"You're gonna be a good boy for uncle Mark aren't you?" Anne said. "Lou Lou will look after you too. Mummy won't be too late and we can sleep in the same room. Ok?"

Harry nodded. "Mummy go?"

"That's right. Just for a few hours. You'll have fun with Lou Lou, so it will go quick."

He nodded again and turned to see Louis smiling at him.

"Luff you Mummy. " Harry whispered as Anne hugged him, plastering his little cheeks with kisses.

"I love you too. Don't worry darling, I'll be back soon. Bye bye."

Harry waved as Anne went to the door where Jay was waiting for her.

They left.

"Harry! Harry! Daddy says we can watch a film. What shall we watch?" Louis said as he took Harry's hand and lead them to the sofa.

"Paw patol."

Louis giggled. "Paw patrol! But that's not a film, silly."

"Me wan paw patol."

Louis shrugged his shoulders, as Mark found  Louis' DVD and put it in the machine.

"You boys want a drink?"

"Yes please Daddy. Milk please."

Mark went to get some milk along with some cookies while the boys watched the tv.


"How's your food Anne?" Maura asked.

"Really good, thank you. This is a lovely place. Have you been here before?"

"Oh yes, Bobby brings me here quite often."

Anne smiled.

"Geoff and I I usually come for our birthdays and anniversary. Always been our favourite." Karen added.

The waiter came over to their table and smiled. "Everything ok with your meals ladies?" He asked.

"Oh it's wonderful, thank you." Jay replied.

"So good. As always." Maura added.

"Nice to see you here again. It's great to get regular customers. Enjoy." The waiter said as he smiled again before leaving them.

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