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"Wonder what they're doing now?" Anne wondered. She was sat in Jay's kitchen, drinking her second cup of coffee.

"Having lots of fun I expect. I remember Louis had so much fun in that class last year." Jay replied. "Don't worry."

"I know. You keep telling me not to worry, but I can't help it. What if he gets bullied because of his problems?"

"Anne. You're worrying too much. I'm sure he'll be fine."

"I know. Im sorry."

"Don't apologise love. Now let's have some of that Victoria sponge you made. It looks delicious."


It was break time and Harry was sat on a bench in the playground next to Louis. Niall, Zayn and Liam were sat on the ground in front of them playing with stones.

"Do you like school Harry?" Louis asked.

Harry nodded, although he looked sad. "Miss Mummy." He whispered.

Louis put an arm around him. "It's not much longer til we go home. Don't worry." Harry nodded and smiled a little bit.

After break time, they went back to their classrooms.

"Ok children. Every day after break we have...STORY TIME!" Mr George announced. The kids all cheered and a few jumped up and down.

The teachers laughed at that reaction. "Alright now. Settle down." Mr Sykes said. "Can you all sit on the rugs please?"

The kids all moved down on to the soft rugs that were placed in the "comfy" corner of the classroom.

"Harry, you can sit on the chair with me if you want?" Miss Grande asked. Harry nodded and took her hand.

She sat down and pulled Harry up next to her.

The children settled down as Mr George got the book out and opened it.

Harry rested his head against Miss Grande's shoulder and closed his eyes, putting his thumb in his mouth and playing with his hair as he listened to the story. Mr George had a calming voice that made him feel sleepy.

Fifteen minutes later, Mr George closed the book and the kids all clapped.

"Thank you children for being so good and quiet." He said. "You can go back to your seats now." They did so. Except for Harry, who had fallen into a deep sleep.

Miss Grande had noticed a while ago that he was asleep. She had instructions not to wake him if he did fall asleep.

At the end of the school day, Mr George and Mr Sykes helped the kids into their coats and they lined up at the door, waiting for the bell.

"Well done children. Hope you all enjoyed your first day. See you all tomorrow."

There was a chorus of yesses, thank yous and bye byes, as the bell sounded.

They all headed out to the playground to meet their parents and guardians.

Harry was still asleep on Miss Grandes lap, that he found his way onto, when Anne came to pick him up.

"Oh bless him. Has he been ok?" She asked as she walked over to them.

"Hi Anne. Yes he's been fine, just got very tired after break. Said he was missing you too, but other than that he's been fine. Ate all his lunch. No accidents." Miss Grande, Ariana, informed her.

"That's good. I've not stopped worrying all day."

"Understandable. Think he might've wet his pull up now though."

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