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Anne and Jay became close friends and spent more time together.

"Are you sure they want to meet me?" A worried Anne asked Jay as they headed towards the park.

It was a beautiful sunny June afternoon, warmer than it usually is at this time of year.

"Stop worrying Anne. They can't wait to meet you. All our boys can be friends." Jay replied, excitedly.

Anne was a worrier though. "Ok. Let's go." She said as she pushed Harry's pushchair.

"There they are!" Jay announced, waving to her friends, who were waving back.

They walked over to the group.

"Hi girls. This is Anne and Harry." She introduced them.

"This is Karen and Liam...Maura and Niall...and Tricia and Zayn." She went around the group, all smiled at Anne and Harry. All the boys were sat on a blanket in front of their Mums.

"So glad to finally meet you. Jay never stops talking about you two." Karen said, grinning.

"Oh. All good I hope?" Anne replied.

Harry was asleep, so Anne left him and sat down with the others.

Jay sat down with a fidgety Louis crawling over to grab one of Zayns toys.

"Of course. Jay never has a bad word to say about anyone."

Anne smiled at Jay.

"Your little boy is so cute. I hope our boys will all be friends." Maura added.

"Of course they will. We're all friends after all!"

The women chatted for an hour or so, before Harry started crying.

Anne took him out of his pushchair and sat him on her lap. "What's up Sunflower?" She said in a sweet calming voice.

Harry put his arms up, so Anne stood up with him, walking around and started singing.

The other women all looked at each other and smiled at the adorable sight.

Harry calmed down immediately in her arms.

"Anne...that's so beautiful.  You have a lovely singing voice." Jay said as Louis threw his teddy at Anne's feet.

Anne blushed. "Thankyou. I don't think it's that good though."

"Don't put yourself down love. It's amazing. "

They all agreed.

"I'm gonna get Harry home now, if you don't mind."

"Course not. Been lovely meeting you both. We should do it again soon." Tricia said as she gave Zayn a bottle.


She packed her things up and put Harry in his pushchair.

They all hugged and said goodbye and Anne left with her baby boy.

"Oh my god Jay.  She's so lovely." Karen said after Anne had left the park.

"Isn't she? Such a shame about her past though."

"Poor woman. Imagine going through all that."

"Breaks my heart."


The next day, Harry was sitting happily in his high chair waiting for his lunch, banging his hand on the table part.

"Ok mr impatient. It's coming." Anne laughed as she put Harry's baby food in his bowl.

"Right...today's speciality is....cottage pie!" She said dramatically, making Harry giggle.

"Here comes the train...choo choo..." she said as she lifted the spoon to Harry's open mouth. "Good boy. Here comes another one...choo choo..."

Once Harry had eaten lunch there was a knock at the door.

Anne picked Harry up and walked to the door, checking through the peep hole just to make sure it was someone she wanted to see. She smiled when she saw Jay standing there.

She opened the door. "Jay....hi. come in."

Jay took Louis out of his pushchair and he touched Harry's arm.

"Think someone wants to play." Jay laughed.

The went into the small living room.

The boys were set on the floor as the women sat on the two chairs.

Anne's flat was sparsely furnished. She had some money left from when she worked, but used that for paying the bills.

"Hope you don't mind, but I bought some of Louis' old clothes and toys that he doesn't need any more. Thought Harry could use them." Jay said, nervously.

Anne didn't like the thought of being a charity case, but as it was for Harry's benefit she didn't mind so much.

"Oh thanks Jay.  That's so kind of you." She wiped away a tear that fell from her eyes. Jay noticed.

"Anne love...I didn't mean to make you cry."

Anne sniffed. "Oh I know. I'm happy really. I just....you know...not having money to buy him things."

Jay nodded and patted Anne's hand.

It's not out of pity you know that? If I didn't give it to you it would've been one of the other boys. "

Anne smiled and nodded. She really had found herself an amazing friend.

Meanwhile, Louis and Harry were busy trying to steal each others Teddy bears.

Instead of them crying over it, they were both in fits of giggles.

Louis leaned over and gave Harry a slobbery kiss on his cheek as he held him tight. Harry laughed even more.

It was clear even at such a young age that these boys would have a special friendship.

Any thoughts welcome.

Sorry for the delay.

Hope you're all ok.

All the love. L.


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