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"Hi Louis.  Did you have a good day at playgroup? Hi Jay. " Anne said as she showed them indoors.

Louis nodded and waved at Anne then ran straight into the living room and found Harry asleep on the sofa. "Hawwy Hawwy!" He said excitedly, tapping his arm.

Harry woke up and saw his friend, smiling straight away. He sat himself up as Louis gave him a big hug. The two Mums smiled at each other.

Louis sat on the sofa and Harry crawled onto his lap. "Hawwy heavy Mummy." He giggled.

"Think Harry missed you Lou Lou. " Jay said as she sat on the chair.

"Hello Hawwy. Wanna pway wiv me?"

Harry couldn't hear him, of course, so he didn't answer.

"Mummy. Hawwy no answer."

"Lou baby. Remember he can't hear you. Why don't you sit on the floor and get some toys out?" Anne said. Louis nodded and Anne took Harry off of Louis' lap. Harry whined, not wanting to be moved.

As soon as he was set on the floor and could see Louis with his toys, he smiled and crawled over and patted Louis' back.

"Hi Hawwy." He giggled. "Pway wiv me now?"

He passed Harry some blocks and they took it in turns to build up a tower. Harry's coordination isn't good though, so it never got too high. Louis never got cross, he just helped Harry build it again.


The weeks went past. Louis and Zayn were loving playgroup. Harry was doing well at physio. He was now starting to walk.

"I'm really pleased with his progress." Olly said.

Harry was sat on Anne's lap, tired out from his latest physio session.

"I can't believe he's actually walked the length of the room. It's amazing." Anne replied. Harry yawned.

"He's amazing. Just remember, if he's walking at home to keep close by, just in case he might fall. He's stronger but not strong enough yet. We'll keep these appointments up for a while yet."

Anne nodded and smiled. "Thanks Olly. We'll see you next week."

Harry was already asleep when Anne said goodbye to Olly.


Christmas eve...

"🎶 Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday to you
Happy birthday dear Louis
Happy birthday to you 🎶"

Louis giggled and blew out the three candles on his cake.

Everyone had gathered in Jay and Mark's house. The living room was decorated in balloons and banners, along with the Christmas tree and cards.

Louis went to sit on the floor and open his presents, full of excitement. His friends watched on their Mums laps. Jay went into the kitchen to cut the cake, a paw patrol one.

Harry kept trying to climb out of Anne's lap. He was desperate to help pull the paper off of Louis' presents.

"No baby. It's not your birthday, it's Lou Lou's."

It didn't stop him. He couldn't hear her anyway.

Louis had unwrapped everything. "Fwends pway now?" He said looking at his Dad.

"Yes, come on boys!"

The boys were all allowed on the floor and immediately inspected Louis' presents, deciding what to play with first.

Harry sat himself in the big pile of wrapping paper, taking bits and crunching it up, making him giggle. He liked the feel of the paper in his tiny hands.

"Hawwy pway." Louis said as he pulled Harry's hand away. Harry looked at Louis and crawled over to the toys.

"Who wants cake?" Jay asked as she walked back into the room with the cake sliced up and some paper plates.

"You're asking for trouble Jay. That's gonna go everywhere. " Maura said as she and Niall were handed a slice.

"It's fine. Mark's gonna get the Hoover out later."

"Am I? Thanks." Mark laughed.

"Hawwy wan cake?" Louis said looking into Harry's eyes. Harry just stared and smiled at him.

"Mummy...Hawwy wan cake too." Louis said.

"Yes love I've got him some, don't worry. Here." Jay replied as she handed the two boys their cake.

Louis picked his cake up in one hand and stuffed some in his mouth, while Harry took tentative bites, not sure if he'd like it. It was a chocolate cake with sprinkles on the top.

Harry scrunched his nose up, deciding he doesn't like sprinkles. Jay noticed.

She went to the kitchen and came back with a spoon, and scraped the sprinkles off. She gave it back to Harry, who smiled and bit into it. That was better. He ate all of his slice, apart from what was around his mouth and on his chin.

The party was over. And everyone had gone home, except Anne and Harry.

"So...what time are you coming over tomorrow?" Jay asked Anne.

"Are you sure you want us? I'm sure you'd rather have the day to yourselves." Anne replied.

"We keep telling you it's fine. Plus Harry missed out last year. You don't want to be at home alone do you?"

Anne shook her head. She still felt like a burden though.

"Ok. If you're sure. I'm helping cook though."

"Deal. Now...go get this beautiful boy to bed, he looks exhausted. "

"Thanks Jay. Bye Mark. Bye Louis." Anne said as she picked Harry up and put him in his pushchair.

Louis ran over to them and gave Harry a quick hug and kissed his cheek. Then he wrapped his arms around Anne. "Ni ni Annie. Ni ni Hawwy."

"Night night darling."


Harry had a quick bath and was already in his bed. "Exciting day tomorrow. Christmas day.
You missed it last year, but this is year is gonna be great. I love you little man. Night night." She said as Harry smiled up at her, before falling into a deep sleep.


What did you all think about the 1D anniversary?

I love that we have the 3 unreleased songs. I loved the boys tweets and Instagrams.

Thoughts on the chapter?

Hope you're all ok. All the love. L. 💖💖💖

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