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"Are you sure you don't mind?" Anne asked Jay.

"Of course not. It's lovely you want to spend Christmas with Robin and Gemma. You can spend another day at ours. I'm so happy you are getting on so well." Jay replied, smiling.

"Oh thank you. They're coming to ours, as still not sure Harry wants to be away from home."

"I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time. Now stop worrying about it." Jay laughed.


It was Christmas eve now, and Robin and Gemma had just arrived at Anne's house, arms full of presents and other Christmas goodies.

Anne rushed out to Robin's car and helped to carry some bits.

"Hello Anne. I'm so excited! It's Christmas day tomorrow!" Gemma said, happily. "Where's Harry?"

"On the sofa, go on in." Anne replied. Gemma went inside, leaving Anne to help Robin.

"I hope you didn't buy too much for us."

"Well...I might have done, but I think you both deserve lots of lovely things." Anne blushed as they put the things on the hall floor.

"I'll put the kettle on. Go say hello to Harry he's been so excited."

Harry's eyes lit up when he saw Gemma. He jumped up and threw his arms around her when she got to the sofa.

"Hello Harry! Happy Christmas!"

"Appy kissmiss." He giggled as Gemma tickled him.

"It's not long til Santa comes. We have to put a mince pie and milk out for him and a carrot for Rudolph." She informed him as they sat on the sofa, Harry climbing onto her lap.

"Av you seen him?" Harry asked.

"No. I can never stay awake. I've tried to though. I'd love to see him." Harry smiled.

"Hello Harry." Robin said as he entered the living room, seeing the pair cuddled up.

"Wobin!" Harry said, holding his arms up, wanting a hug.

"How's my favourite little boy then? Hope you've been good for Mummy?"

Harry nodded. "Me always good boy." He replied. Robin laughed.

"That's good to hear. I bought some chocolate coins. Would you like some?"

Harry nodded his head, frantically. "Yes please. Thank you."

Robin put Harry on the sofa and went to his bag, coming back with the chocolate yumminess.

"Here you go. One bag each, and if you're good, there may be some more."

Harry and Gemma thanked Robin and Gemma helped Harry to open the netting on the coin package. They giggled as they pulled the foil off and stuffed the choccies into their mouths.


"Happy birthday Louis!" Jay and Mark said as Louis sat in their living room. "Open your presents."

Louis got to work, taking no time at all in opening them all.

"Thank you Mummy. Thank you Daddy. I love you." He said, hugging them both.

"Can we go see Harry now? I wanna show him my new car."

"Remember, I told you we wouldn't be seeing Harry today, as Robin and Gemma are there." Jay reminded him.

A frown appeared on his face.

"B...but I need to see him.  Please Mummy?"

"Sorry love. Not today."

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