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"Auntie Annie! Auntie Annie!" Anne opened her eyes to find Louis stood by her bedside, poking her shoulder gently.

"Lou? Are you alright? Is Harry ok?" She sat up and rubbed her eyes, noticing her clock on her bedside table.

It was 6am.

"I had to go wee, but I can't get back in the cot." Louis whispered.

"Oh ok love. Let me help you." She said, getting out of bed and taking Louis' tiny hand in hers.

They walked back into Harry's room and she lifted him up, and into the cot, tucking him back under the blankets.

Harry was fast asleep, hugging his Teddy.

"Ok now?" Anne asked.

Louis nodded and yawned. "Thank you Auntie Annie." He closed his eyes.

"You're welcome Lou. Night night."

She went back to her bed and fell back to sleep.


At 8am Anne was woken up by giggling. She smiled and got up again.

She tiptoed to Harry's room and peeked through the door.

Louis was sat up in the cot, tickling Harry.  Harry was giggling more than Anne had ever heard before. She smiled and her heart warmed at the sight and sound.

"Teddy gonna tickle you too, Harry." Louis said in a funny voice, taking his Teddy and moving it over Harry's body, as he wriggled and giggled.

He giggled so much that he started coughing.

Anne rushed in. "Harry? Are you ok love?"

"Sorry Auntie Annie. He was laughing then coughing. Did I do something wrong?" Louis said, panicked.

"No Lou. It's ok. He's just out of breath." She assured him as she picked Harry up out of the cot and into her arms. He coughed some more, Anne patting his back.

Soon enough, Harry stopped coughing, panting a bit as he tried to get his breathing back to normal.

"Is he ok now?" Louis asked sadly.

"He's fine, don't worry. Let's get him changed and go down for breakfast." Anne smiled down at Louis, who smiled back and followed her into the bathroom.

Louis was sat on the toilet, while Anne changed Harry's bum.

"Has he done a stinky too?" Louis asked as he did his business.

Anne laughed. "No. Just wet that's all." She finished cleaning him and put his pants on, then put him in a white t shirt with a cute set of red dungarees.

"There. That's you done. You done yet Lou? Gonna get dressed too?"

Louis nodded and jumped off of the toilet, he cleaned himself and Anne flushed, before Louis washed his hands.


Louis was dressed in a paw patrol t shirt with black joggers. They'd just had breakfast and were now sat on the sofa watching peppa pig.

"Why is Daddy pig so fat?" Louis asked. "I'm Daddy pig! Oink oink!"

Harry giggled as Louis made oinking sounds over and over.

Anne walked in with 2 cups of milk, handing one to each boy.

"Thank you Auntie Annie" Louis said as he took his cup.

"Ta Mummy." Harry whispered.

"You're welcome. Now...your Mummy said you can stay til after lunch if you want to." Anne said to Louis.  A huge smile appeared on his milk covered mouth.

"Oooh yes please. Do you have maraconey cheese?"

"I sure do. I'll make it for both of you later."

Louis was just too damn cute.

"Harry...we having maraconey cheese for lunch." Louis said facing Harry.

Harry grinned and went to clap his hands, forgetting the cup of milk, splashing a bit over his dungarees.

"Noooooooo." He wailed, patting his legs.

"It's ok Harry. It's only milk." Louis said. Anne took the cup away and Harry held his arms up.

"Wet." He said as a tear fell.

"Hey. No tears love. It's only milk, like Lou said. We can put another pair on ok?"

Harry rested his head on Anne's shoulder. He was tired, as Louis had woken him up tickling him at 7am.

Anne put dry dungarees on him and laid him on the sofa. "Harry's tired. Gonna put him down for a nap. Do you need one too?" She asked Louis.

"No thank you."

"Ok. Well...can you watch him while I do some bits in the kitchen?"

"Yes Auntie Annie." Louis replied. Anne smiled and went into the kitchen to start on the macaroni cheese.


Anne walked back into the living room and she smiled.

Louis was cuddled up to Harry on the sofa. Harry was facing Louis, sleeping, while Louis was watching the tv, playing with Harry's curly hair.

It was a heartwarming sight for sure. She crept back out, not wanting to disturb them.


They ate lunch at the table, Louis helping Harry every now and then. Once they were finished, Anne put their coats and shoes on. She put Harry in his pushchair and they headed off to Louis' house.

"Hello! Come in." Mark said, opening their door wide, letting the three in.

Anne took Harry out of his pushchair, just as Jay came downstairs.

"Oh hello."

"MUMMY!" Louis yelled, running into Jay's arms.

"Were you a good boy?" She asked.  Louis nodded.

"He was a little angel."

"I slept in Harry's cot, Mummy. He had a nappy on so he didn't wee on me. But I had to go wee in the night n I couldn't get back in so I had to wake Auntie Annie up to help me. Then we had maraconey cheese for lunch. And we gave Harry lots of tickles and he laughed lots but it made him cough." Louis said, hardly taking a breath.

Jay and Mark laughed.

"Sounds like you had a great time. Thank you so much Anne." Jay said, hugging her friend.

"Honestly...it was a pleasure. Harry loved having him stay, and so did I. So any time you need a break..."

"You're a wonderful lady Anne. Thank you. Now...you two are staying for dinner tonight. No arguments."

Anne smiled. She was so blessed to have such a gorgeous son and wonderful friends.


Hi everyone!

Who else has been waiting all day for the golden video to drop?

I'm so excited to see it.

So...I've done 8 panels of Harry's cardigan now. It seems so big though. Has anyone else made it?

Hope everyone is well.

Oh...thoughts on the chapter?

All the love. L. X


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