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Christmas eve...

"Happy birthday Louis!" Jay and Mark yelled, as a very sleepy 8 year old walked into the living room.

A big grin came over his face and he ran to hug his parents.

"Thank you. Where's Lottie?"

"Still asleep. She was up coughing a lot in the night." Mark replied.

They sat on the sofa. "Can I open my presents now though?" Louis asked.

"Of course. Go ahead." Louis smiled and started opening the smaller ones first.

It took half an hour to open them all. "Are Harry and Gemma coming over?"

"Yes love. About 3 o'clock. Gives me time to prepare your party food." Jay said, pulling Louis into another hug.

The sound of Lottie coughing cane through the monitor. "I'll be right back." Jay said, heading up the stairs.


At half past two, Louis was sat at the living room window, waiting for Harry. 

Eventually, three  o'clock cane around and Louis jumped down from the window, as he saw Anne, Robin, Gemma and Harry coming up the garden path.

"They're here Mummy!" Louis shouted as he opened the door.

"Hey, you're not meant to do that." Mark said.

"Sorry, I'm just so excited."

Mark patted Louis' back, before he ran out.

Harry was being carried by Robin. "HARRY! GEMMA!" Louis yelled as he took Harry's hand.

Robin put him down and Louis took him into the living room.

"Hi. Everything ok?" Jay asked as they all went into the house.

"Hi love. Harry's a bit clingy today, a bit quiet." Anne replied as she took her coat off.

"Oh dear. Hope Louis' not too boisterous for him. He's a bit overexcited."

They all went into the living room. The kids were already sat on the sofa together, looking at Louis' birthday presents. Harry was resting his head on the arm of the sofa.

"Hey...you wanna play with my new cars?" Louis asked.

Harry shook his head. "I will." Gemma said.

"Why not Harry? You love playing with cars."

He shook his head again. Louis and Gemma sat on the floor and started playing. Louis looked over at Harry and felt sad that he didnt want to play.

Anne moved over next to Harry, and he immediately climbed into her lap, put his thumb in his mouth and closed his eyes.

"Sorry Lou. I don't think he's feeling too good." Anne said. Louis nodded.

"It's ok." He replied and carried on playing.


At 5 o'clock, they ate the party food. Harry just nibbled on a few bits, having no interest in his usual favourites.

Louis blew the candles out on his cake, wishing that Harry would feel better soon, so they can play again.

Half an hour later, Harry was wriggling on Anne's lap. "You need the toilet darling?" She whispered. He shook his head. Anne noticed he was crying now.

"I think we better go. I'm sorry, but he's definitely not feeling well." Anne said, sadly.

"It's ok love. I can tell he's not himself. You get him home." Jay said.

Louis stood in front of Anne and Harry. "I hope you feel better soon Harry so you can play with my cars." He said.

"Thank you Lou." Anne said. Harry had fallen asleep.

They said their goodbyes and headed home.


Harry was laying on the sofa. Anne had placed a bucket on the floor beside him, just in case.

Gemma was sat beside Harry, while Anne was making some coffee, after managing to get Harry to let her go.

Harry whimpered and wriggled where he lay.

"Are you ok Harry?" Gemma asked.

He rubbed his tummy and started crying, trying get up off the sofa.

"You gonna be sick?" She picked the bucket up, but Harry pushed it away, finally getting up and walking towards the bathroom.

"Anne! Harry needs you!" Gemma called out.


He grabbed his stomach, not able to move. Anne rushed to him and scooped him up, running to the downstairs bathroom.

Harry cried out in pain, as Anne placed him on the floor. She quickly pulled his trousers and pants down, but was too late. He had already messed himself. She put him on the toilet, and he went again, crying out.

Anne rubbed his back until he finished.

He was very messy, crying, sweating and shaking.

"Mu..Mummy." he whimpered.

"It's ok baby. You're ok now. Mummy needs to clean you up. Ok?" He nodded.

She lifted him off the toilet, wincing at the mess he was in.

She filled the sink with warm soapy water and took some wipes off of a shelf. She cleaned him up with the wipes, then washed him down with a flannel.

She had to open a window, despite it being freezing outside, just to get rid of the smell.

They had a stack of pull ups in the bathroom, so Anne took one and put it on him. She flushed the toilet and washed her hands.

She picked Harry up. He snuggled into her neck. "S...sorry  Mummy." He whispered.

"Oh baby. You couldn't help it. Don't say sorry."

They walked out of the bathroom and found Gemma sitting on the sofa looking worried.

"Is he alright?" She asked, as Anne put him down next to her.

"I think he feels better now. Can you watch him while I put this washing on please?" Anne asked.

"Sure." Anne laid him down and put his blanket over him, giving him his favourite Teddy to cuddle.


Harry had been sick. This must've been a bug, probably caught from school before half term.

"Mummy..." he groaned, as he held his tummy again.

He sat forward and gagged, the bucket was soon under his chin as he threw up again.

"Oh my poor baby. You're really not well at all are you?" She said once he had stopped. She wiped his mouth with a tissue, then wiped his face with a cool baby wipe to cool him down.

He cried as he lay back against the cushion.

"I'll clean that." Robin said, taking the bucket to empty out.

"Thanks love. Can you check Gemma too?"

"No problem."

Gemma had gone upstairs an hour before, seeing Harry so poorly was upsetting her.

Anne made sure Harry kept drinking water. It would never stay inside him for more than half an hour though, poor Harry.


Awww no poor Harry.

Thoughts on the chapter, or the book?

Hope you're all ok.

Xx 💖💖💖

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