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Harry smiled at his Mum.

"I love you so much Harry." She said.

"He seems happy and comfortable." The doctor said. "Come back if there's any problems."

"Thank you Doctor, I will." She said as she walked out of the hospital.

Harry had just had his hearing aids fitted. When they were switched on and Anne spoke those words, Harry's little face lit up. He had never heard his Mummy's voice so clear before.

On the way home, she bought them both an ice cream and sat in the park.

"Hi love!" Jay called. Louis ran over to them and cheekily took a lick of Harry's ice cream.

Anne laughed. "Hey cheeky monkey! Hi Jay!"

"How did it go?" Jay sat next to her.

"Really well. He looked so happy."

Harry let Louis have the rest of his ice cream and tried to get out of his pushchair.

Anne took him out and put him on her lap. Louis sat beside them, looking at Harry's ears.

"What's them Auntie Annie?" He asked as ice cream dribbled down his chin.

"That's his hearing aids Lou. They make him hear better."

Louis smiled. "Hawwy hear me now?"

Anne nodded. "Yes. He can."

"Hawwy wanna play wiv me?" He asked Harry.

Harry looked at Louis and smiled, then rubbed his eyes and yawned.

"I think he's a bit tired love. Been a tiring morning." She turned to Jay. "Maybe you could come over after lunch?"

"Yeah...that'll be good. I'm so glad Harry's got the hearing aids now." They hugged. "Let's go get lunch Lou."


After lunch, all the women and boys were in Anne's garden.

It was quite warm now and all the boys were in either pants or pull ups.

"Nearly time to get the paddling pool out I think." Anne said. "Definitely getting warmer now."

"Summer's on it's way!" Tricia nodded.

"Not long til your boys start playgroup." Jay said to Maura and Karen.

"God..I can't wait." Karen laughed. "Bit of peace and quiet. Yes please!"

They all laughed.

"Louis and Zayn seem to enjoy it?" Maura asked as she sipped her tea.

"Oh god...Zayn loves it. Think he'd rather be there than at home."

"And Louis' definitely got more confident." Jay added.

"I'm not sure I'd want Harry to go. He seems so....small." Anne said as she watched the boys making mud pies in her flower bed.

"Well...you don't have to worry for a while. He's only young still." Jay said patting Anne's knee.

"ZAYN MALIK! DON'T YOU DARE PUT THAT MUD ON NIALL'S HEAD!"  Tricia yelled just catching the boy before he planted Niall. Zayn immediately threw the mud down and looked worried about getting told off.

"I...I wasn't gonna do dat Mummy. Really!" He said, Tricia was trying not to laugh at his reaction.

"Oh god...look how dirty they all are." Karen laughed. "Definitely bath time when we get home."

"Mummy! Auntie Annie! Hawwy eatin' mud!" Louis said as he tried to pull Harry's hand from his mouth.

"Oh no." Anne said, quickly getting up and rushing over to the boys. She made it just as Harry was about to put a worm in his mouth.

"No Harry!" She said, grabbing his hands gently and swiping the mud and worm away.

"You better come with me mister." She laughed, putting him on her hip as he started crying, pointing to his friends.

She pulled out a couple of baby wipes from the packet that was on the garden table and cleaned him up. He continued crying.

"Mummy! Me dirty too." Louis said as he joined the Mum's.

"Yes you are." Jay laughed, cleaning him up too. "You need a bath."

"Ooh no Mummy. Me don't needs no bath, just wipey please?" Louis said with a cute smile that Jay always found adorable.

"Hmm...ok. but you definitely need a good wash at the sink." Louis clapped his hands and walked around the table to Anne.

"Auntie Annie...can Hawwy play now. I pwomise he won't eat no more mud." Louis was so bloody cute.

"Ok. But maybe stay away from my flower bed now." Louis smiled and held Harry's hand as he was put on the grass.

Louis held his hands as he took slow wobbly steps over to their friends.

They sat down and picked some more daisies that had grown and made pretty patterns on the grass.

"Mummy lost my cwown Hawwy. Me gonna get her to make us more." Louis gathered their daisies and took them to Jay, plonking them on the table in front of her. "Mummy can yous make me and Hawwy cwowns please?"

Jay smiled.  "Of course love. I'll bring them over." Louis jumped up and down and ran back to Harry.

"What's you doing Lou?" Zayn asked as the other boys joined them.

"My Mummy is making me and Hawwy cwowns cos we is Princes."

Zayn laughed. "I wants to be a Prince too. She make me a crown?" Louis nodded. He collected enough daisies to make a other 3 crowns and took them to their Mums, who made crowns for their boys.

"Alright boys! Time for your coronation." Jay announced.

"A what?" Louis giggled.

"Time to make you Princes. Here you are Prince Louis." She placed his crown on his head and curtsied.

Next was Anne. "Prince Harry." The crown placed on his head and he smiled at his Mum.

"Prince Niall."

"Here you are Prince Liam."


"No Mummy...I am the King!" Zayn said.

"Oh...ok. King Zayn."

They all took photos. It was the cutest thing ever.


Not sure that was worth the wait.

I love fluffy cuteness.

I'm getting better at my knitting. Im not gonna buy any wool tho until I get better a d think I can a totally make that cardigan.

Hope you're all ok.

All the love. L.


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