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"Congratulations love. I'm so happy for you both. I'm so glad you've found each other. That is a gorgeous ring" Jay said with tears in her eyes.

"Thank you. I'm so happy. I never thought I'd find anyone who would love me."

Jay pulled her into a hug. "Anne, you are the loveliest, kindest, most beautiful woman in the world. I knew you'd find someone, and Robin is perfect. You are so good together." Jay said. "And the fact that your kids love each other makes it even better." Anne nodded and broke the hug.

"Thank you. You know me...can't help but think I'm not worth it."

"Enough of that talk. Now...we need to sort out an engagement party."


That evening Robin returned home from work.

They were sat in the living room, talking while the dinner was cooking.

They'd discussed the restaurant. Anne knew that Robin wanted the place and had given him the go ahead.

"So...I was thinking, now I'm in charge, I'm going to need a new manager. Of course Steve will still be one too, but I think we need two. So...how do you fancy it?"

Anne looked at him in shock. "You...you want me to be a...a manager?"

He nodded. "Yes. I think you'd be great. You can have hours to fit around the kids." He smiled at her.

"Um...I don't know Robin, I've never done anything like that before. Can I think about it?"

"Of course, my darling. Now...you put your feet up, I'll finish dinner." He kissed her before going into the kitchen.


"Anne, can I be your bridesmaid please?" Gemma asked as they flicked through wedding magazines.

"Aw...of course darling. I'd love that." Anne replied with a massive smile.

Harry sat upright on the sofa. "Me too Mummy!" He said, excitedly.  "Me too."

"Boys can't be bridesmaids, silly Billy." Gemma replied.

Harry's smile faded to a frown. "B..But..."

He clambered off of the sofa and walked towards the stairs, with his head down.

"Oh..." Gemma said, feeling bad for saying that.

"It's ok love. I'll see to him." Anne said, patting Gemma's hand and following Harry, who had only made it half way up the stairs.

"Harry. Come back down."

He stopped walking.

She picked him up and took him back to the sofa, sitting him on her lap.

"I'm sorry Harry. I didn't mean to upset you." Gemma said. Harry nodded and wiped the tears from his cheeks.

"Wh-Why can't me be biesmaid?" He sniffed, his eyes all red.

"Girls are bridesmaid and boys are page boys. That's right isn't it?" Gemma said, looking to Anne for confirmation.

"Well...yes, usually."

Harry's tears started again.

"Me...w-wanna d-dresssssss!" He wailed.

It's been a looooooong time since he's had a meltdown like this.

"Shall I go upstairs?" Gemma asked.

"If you don't mind love." She replied. Gemma took off up to her bedroom and put her TV on quietly.

"Pleeeeeeeease Mu...Mummmmmmmyyyyyyyy!" Harry screamed.

"Harry...you need to calm down sweetie. Please." Anne said as she tried to pick him up, but he just rolled away from her, hitting the cushions.

"Harry. Please calm down. Let's talk about this." She said, trying not freak out.

Anne continued to talk to him, trying to calm him and after around ten minutes of sobbing, he finally stopped. He had worn him out so much that he fell asleep.

Anne sat beside him stroking his back and wondering what caused such a tantrum. It's very unlike him.

"Is he ok now?" Gemma whispered as she came back into the living room.

Anne nodded and patted the seat beside her. Gemma sat down and they hugged. Anne's heart was racing.

"Are you ok Anne?" Gemma asked.

"I think so. That just shocked me a bit."

"I'm sorry. That was all my fault. I shouldn't have said anything." Gemma said, trying not to cry.

"No. It wasn't your fault love. Don't blame yourself please.  I'll talk to him when he wakes up."

They sat back and hugged as they watched the TV waiting for Harry to wake up.


Just a quick update.


Hope you're all ok.

Don't forget my new book, Tastes so sweet.

All the love xx


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