Chapter 22

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Zayn's POV

I held weakly onto Niall as I just admitted my feelings for him. Laying here for those days that felt like years, I had allot of time to think. One thought I was thinking of was Niall. Well, really it was the only thought I had. I thought of his lovely eyes, his cute nose with small freckles, that voice that was so smooth and strongly accented, just everything about him. It made me want to fight to stay alive, even though the odds weren't in my favor.

Today, whatever day it is, I decided to give up. There was no point in just laying here, waiting for it to rain so there would be water or hoping some type of animal would drop dead and cook itself. I had stood up and walked a few steps days ago, hoping I could get to some help, but my badly burned legs hurt so bad to move. I just laid where I fell and waited for death, just like the general had wanted.

After a few days, I started hallucinating. It was quite terrifying at first. The first thing I saw was rain that could quench my thirst. I felt the water on my skin and heard the patter on the the ground. Then my mum walked out from behind a tree and started to run her delicate fingers over my face. I remember feeling so scared that she was the on the battlefield, yet so happy that the woman that loved me more than life itself was here when I needed her. She told me she loved me, then congratulated me on my first child. That's when things started getting weirder.

Soon after, a very pregnant Perrie walked out and took my mother's position. She told me sorry for everything she's done and the baby was mine. I just laid on the ground, with the fake rain water soaking the clothes that I wasn't wearing. When she tried to kiss me though, I pulled away from her and shook my head. No words could be formed, but the look on her face made me know she understood. She understood I didn't love her that way anymore.

Then, Niall finally came into this crazy dream world I was in. The minute my eyes saw him, I knew I loved him. Seeing him smile at me then kiss me, I knew there was no denying the fact this boy was the one person that made me feel so many things that were all positive. So many feelings that made me know he was the one I was ment to be with my whole life, not some girl with fake love that get knocked up by someone or even myself. He told me he loved me and to hang on in there so he could find me. I listened to him, up until today.

Today I gave up. I was so sick and tired of seeing my fake loved ones come to comfort me. I was tired of that false hope and crazy feeling my mind would go through as they showed up, then left me with the realization they weren't actually there. I closed my eyes and just waited for death to come over me. In the distance I heard a familiar scream and cry, but chose to ignore it thinking it was just my mind playing with me again. Then when the cool water filled my mouth, I chose not to swallow knowing it was just my imagination. Even when I felt that touch of my skin that felt so different than the hallucinations I had, I ignored it. I just wanted to die, but when more water was dumped into my mouth, I started choking because I inhaled some into my lungs. When that happened, I was shocked I was still breathing. When I opened my eyes and saw Niall holding me, I knew it wasn't illusion this time. It was real, I was with my love.

That's how I ended up here, in Niall's arms drinking water and just enjoying the fact I knew I had found out I actually loved him. I know I promised myself to never fall in love because of how bad it hurt to have my heart broken, but seeing the way Niall was looking at me and helping me I knew it was really just what my heart wanted. I can't control what my heart is telling me, so I'll just listen because I'm too lost in this fuzzy world of love to fight it.

"How are you feeling?" Niall asked me after placing the water bottle down. I puffed my lips out asking for a kiss, which he gave me with a small chuckle.

"Better. Have to pee now." I told him. My throat was still so dry from the dehydration I was in, but I knew it was a good thing I had to pee because that ment my organs hadn't shut down. Niall laughed at me and kissed me again. I could see how much relief he had in his eyes as well as the happiness, with a strong glow of love.

Love On The Battlefield (Ziall Horlik) AUWhere stories live. Discover now