Chapter 13

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Niall's POV

I had to go back to fight today. To say I was nervous was an understatement. My leg still hurt a bit when I walked, so I was worried about how I would be able to run. My arm was allot better, but when I had to use my biceps it burnt. I just hoped none of this would hold me back from staying safe.

I like to think my mum would be proud of me. I followed her instructions, even if it got me hurt but I still listened. I just hope I get to see her soon. I've always been a mummy's boy so now that we're not allowed to even speak to our families, it's been really hard on me. They say mailing letters would cost too much and we need all the money Ireland has left to use on the war. We weren't a rich country to began with, so now we're struggling to even keep food in our stomachs.

When I limped over to the farthest trench from the building, I couldn't help but think of maybe seeing Zayn today. Would he still be happy to see me? I also want to know if Harry made it. His stitches are really good and I want to thank him for helping me. I bet he wants to be a doctor when the war is over. He'll be a perfect one, I'm sure of it.

I felt my nerves shooting through my body as I sat there thinking of how I could run fast enough without breaking opened my wound. I was also thinking of what I say to Zayn if I see him. I don't know if he'll still want to be near me, considering I was the reason his friend go hurt. People's feelings can always change. It only takes one thing, and they can hate you. Especially something as big as people from my country wounding his friend.

"Everyone listen up!" General yelled, pulling me from my thoughts of Zayn. The field was quite as dawn was slowly approaching.

"Today's fight strategy is wait for them to make the first move. The first person out of the trench, we shoot. Got it?" He asked us. We all agreed silently, but something about his orders confused me. Why would we wait for them to make a move. We know the Brits don't ever make the move first. We always have to make the first move or we'll just be at a stand off.

No matter what, I knew I was going to have a harder time getting out of the trench being unnoticed. I won't have a distraction from my side to escape easily. Then not being in the best physical condition just adds to factors working against me.

The siren sounded and we all just sat there. The battlefield field was eerily silent. Everyone on my side had their guns in hand waiting for the Brits to make the first move. I looked up over the mud wall to see if anyone was going to make a move.

The land spread out in front of us was completely flat. You could see the square helmets peaking up back to us from afar. The mud covered land was all that was separating the two sides. I looked closer and saw a some frantic movement in one of the trenches across from me. I stepped away from the wall and got ready to make my run for it.

In the dead silence of the battlefield, all I heard was a familiar voice scream someone's name, then a gun shot go off from my side. But it stopped after the single shot. The only sound echoing across the land was yelling from that silky rough voice.

Zayn's POV

I had no time to mourn the loss of my best friend because I was so worried about Louis. I don't even know what was going through his mind as he told me Harry had passed.

That smile on his face looked like he thought this was a joke. But seconds later, that smile broke and he screamed his lungs out in anger. I could feel the pain he was in. I was hurting too, but it was like a paper cut compared to the wound Louis was feeling.

All the men in he room had turned to watch the scene unfold as I held him close to me. He started punching me, and Liam had to come hold his arms down. Louis tried biting him, kicking him, he even spit at him. Liam and I both knew Lou couldn't take much more, so we weren't mad at his actions. When he kept crying Harry's name over and over again, that brought me and Liam to tears.

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