Chapter 16

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Zayn's POV

I woke up to a face full of very blonde hair and a body wrapped so tightly around me, I couldn't move. I don't really want to move though.

The sky was still dark with stars, even though you could see the little bit of sun rising up in the far distance. I pulled Niall closer to me, if that was even possible, and placed a kiss into his hair. His head was laying on my chest. That was the only body part of ours that wasn't completely tangled. He was so warm and cuddly to hold. It was like holding a teddy bear. I couldn't squeeze him tight enough, or I get close enough to him.

My eyes scanned over his face for the hundredth time since I've met him, and saw the tiny little freckles on his nose that also splashed over his pale cheeks. I looked at his hair and saw small bits of brunette roots showing, giving away the fact he dyes his hair. I bet he would still look just as cute with brown hair too. Just as enticing and perfect. My eyes landed on his lips and I resisted the very strange, abnormal urge to place my own on them. I wanted to see how it would feel. I wanted to know if there would be sparks. I wanted to know how it felt to run my hands through his short hair, while I deepened the kiss.

Niall started moving in his sleep, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from him. When those thick eyelashes fluttered open reveling his blue eyes, I couldn't stop myself. He pulled his head back from where it was resting on my chest to look at me, and I slammed my lips into his. A small gasp left his mouth before he melted into the feeling.

I was right about the sparks. I was also right about his lips being just as soft as I thought they would be. We moved our lips slowly together, feeling like nothing in this world was important. It was just the two of us, and our lips connecting us. I moved my hand from where it was resting on his back and placed it on the side if his face, slowly guiding it up to his hair. When my hand ran over the short hair I moaned pathetically and rolled us over, in the small space of the sleeping bag, so I could be on top of him.

Once we were to the new position, I deepened the kiss by licking over Niall's beautifully closed lips. He opened his mouth almost immediately, giving me just what I wanted. I ran my tongue through every single spot in his mouth, tasting every bit of of the Irish boy. When his tongue met mine, he whimpered and shifted under me. I started to feel his own tongue with mine more, now that I was seeing just how much that made him fall right into the palm of my hand.

He was so submissive towards my every move and I couldn't help but feel pleasured, yet very scared. What if he doesn't even want this, but he's not telling me? I don't want to take advantage of him or push him into anything just because it's not in his nature to say no.

I pulled back from the kiss immediately and started unzipping the sleeping bag to get away from him. I needed to get away from him and those lips. I probably just pushed him into something I didn't even ask if it was alright to do. I just did it and now he's probably going to hate me.

"I'm sorry." I told him while standing up and putting my combat boots on. He sat up in the bag and when he thought I couldn't see him, he ran his fingers over his lips.

I'd be lying if I said my lips weren't tingling, but I'd also be lying if I said my conscience was screaming at me for just snogging someone what was my same gender.

"Did I do it wrong?" Niall asked so quietly that I almost didn't hear him. I looked back and saw tears glossing over his baby blue eyes. He was just sitting on the sleeping bag, looking at me like he wanted to apologize for something but didn't know exactly what.

"No, I did." I told him and went to get my jacket that was used as a pillow last night. I slipped it on, trying so hard not to look in those blue eyes. I got my backpack on, not caring that I was going to leave my sleeping bag and blanket behind. I needed to get away from him. I kissed another boy... That's not even right. It's supposed to be disgusting, but all of me wanted to to it again.

"Don't leave me alone. I-I promise we can pretend that never happened. We can just forget about it, I just don't want to be alone. Zayn, please!" Niall begged me as he got up off the sleeping bag and wrapped his arms around me. I tried pulling him off me, but sobs started sounding from his mouth and I knew I didn't have the strength to do this. I didn't have the strength the run away from these feelings I shouldn't be having, nor did I have the strength the accept them.

"I'm sorry, Niall." I told him and wrapped my arms around him. He just cried and held me closer to him. I felt like a piece of shit right now. I thought that leaving him would be best for both of us, but instead he's crying into my arms. I felt his tummy rumble against mine and realized he wouldn't make it two seconds on his own. Not without food, water or someone to protect him. He's too gentle to be in this war alone. I've thought that since the first day I laid eyes on him.

I pulled him over to the sleeping bag and sat down. He looked at me with tears in his eyes and gave me a weak smile. I wiped his face before I started rummaging through my backpack for more cans of food and the rest of the crackers. I gave them to him and he immediately started eating. I looked out towards the lake, hearing the siren sound marking the start of today's fighting. Is this every going to stop? Why can't both sides just stop? Obviously Ireland isn't going to last that long, even if they were better fighters than us Brits.

Before I could even get deep in my now thoughts, a nudge on my leg made me look at the boy with some tomato soup on his face as well as some cracker crumbs. I gave a small smile and lifted my hand to wipe it off. I can only imagine how good it must feel for him to have food in his belly.

"Are you going to eat?" He asked me with a blush. I honestly didn't want to. I was too worried about Liam and I also knew Niall needed the food more than me. I shook my head and looked away from him. I couldn't bring myself to look him in the eyes anymore.

I don't know if it was the fact I had kissed him, or the fact that he made me feel so many things that only a girl had made me feel. But really, what I felt with him was ten times stronger. I almost felt guilty for those feelings because my heart had been just recently broken, and I didn't want to use him as a rebound. Yet, something deep down, that I refused to listen to, was telling me to just follow my heart's instincts. To follow whatever broken piece of my heart that could still feel things other than pain.

After we sat there for a while, we both decided to start finding our way back. I had a feeling it would take us all day, so may as well start now. I got eveything packed and my gun strapped over my shoulder. Niall did the same with his, but I saw his blue eyes looking down at my hand before we started walking. I reached it out for his and he happily took it, lacing out fingers together, and started walking back to where I thought would lead to a path back to where everyone else was, when really it lead to our own burning hell because someone discovered they got the wrong person...

A/N: next chapter is already making me sweat as I write it! Haha so how do you all feel about the kiss? It's Friday!!!!!! Comment / Vote!
                            - Bri;)

Love On The Battlefield (Ziall Horlik) AUWhere stories live. Discover now