Chapter 1

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Niall's POV

          It's been almost 24 hours since I got the letter telling me that I was being drafted for the war, and I haven't stopped shaking with fear. It just doesn't seem fare! My family has already contributed to the war more than anyone else in Ireland.

           We send our food away, my mum makes clothes for the men fighting and my brother, Greg, is already over there.

            The war is being fought on the land those blue bloods took from us. Everyone in the military forces agreed that the war would be away from both Ireland and Great Britain that way there would be normal lives and the battle would only be over the land that was wrongly taken from my people. So, the war is on that land, no where else. They said this war would never be over even when it is, and the land would be tainted with the blood of soldiers died fighting for it. The war would live forever and whoever won, would never forget the lives lost.

             I thought it was pretty psychotic to think like that, but according to all the teachers that have told us about the war and my parents, it's a logical way of keeping citizens safe that didn't agree to be apart of this petty battle. That's why I've been able to go to school and live a normal life, until now.

            Now, I have to wait for some bus to come pick me up to take me to a train station, only so I can be flown over seas to be killed and brought back in a wooden box. I know I'm not got to make it over there. My parents do to. We all know I'm not fit enough to out fight off enemies, not brave enough to go to the front lines and not smart enough to work a gun. It's also not in my nature, nor my morals to kill someone. I'm hoping the general will see that in me and send me back home. They need strong men to fight for our country, not a skinny 17 year old that would make our country look like a joke.

          "Niall, the bus is here." My dad's voice came through my bedroom door. I just sat on my bed wondering if those stupid Brits could pull their heads out of their asses for just a minute to see the land is ours and the war should stop, that way I don't have to do this.

           My father's knuckles knocked on the door again and I stood up, looking around my room. This was going to be the last time I'm in here. Maybe my body will be to mangled to bury and my parents will cremate me. Then I can come back to my room, the place where my guitar is and all my beautiful poems and songs.

          I walked to the door with my suit case in hand and told myself I needed to be brave so my parents don't think I'm a worthless shit going into war, even though it's the truth.

           My father walked with me down the stairs to say goodbye to my crying mother. She was just standing by the door, just like she had done with Greg, crying. The only difference here is, Greg was strong and we all knew he could survive. Me on the other hand, I'm a walking death bed.

            "Bye, mummy." I told her, holding her tight to me. That only made her cry louder.

              "Niall, listen to me." She said seriously, pulling away from me while wiping her tears. "Don't let them catch you. The one thing I know you can do is hide and run. There's nothing wrong with that. If they catch you, allot of bad things will come your way. Just hide and run, please."

              "I will, I promise. I love you." I told her, then said my goodbyes to my father. He seemed to have himself more together than my mum, but he also seemed angry. I knew why though.

               My father hated the Brits for doing this to his family. Everyday he would coming in from working on the farm to say something about how they "don't know how to do anything but drink tea" or, they should "open their eyes to see they're being selfish by taking something that's rightfully ours". I agree with him, but that still doesn't mean I can kill one of them if I had to.

            I got my suit case into the bus with me, and looked out the window at the home I would never return to to. My parents were standing on the porch waving goodbye as the bus drove off. I looked away because I knew I would start crying and that would just be great for the general to see.

             I looked around the bus and saw so many of my own classmates. They all had the same look on their faces. Fear and dread. We all knew this was it for most of us. But, we also knew that this was our country we were doing this for. That kind of made this easier on all of us, but only a bit.

             Once we arrived at the train station, we were all rushed in to a room where we got fitted for our uniforms. We got two different ones. The first was one we would wear when we're not on the battlefield. That was black pants a black blazer with gold and green trim. The next was our war clothes. That was a light grey and green camouflage jumper that came with a flat green helmet, gas mask, combat boots, a backpack full of supplies and of course, a machine gun.

            Right now we were going to go straight into training, so we had to wear the camouflage one. I didn't mind because it looked more comfortable to wear on the air plane.

             Almost as quickly as we got there, we were being escorted out to different air planes on the landing strip out side the station. Our train station here served for both trains and planes. And now, it was just a military base. The president permitted traveling to the people of Ireland, unless is was women and children leaving the country to take refuge somewhere different.

              As soon as about thirty new soldiers got on the plane, we were off the ground. There were no windows or even chairs on this plane. It was mainly just a flying war ship. All of us we're just sitting on the sides of the plane, holding our guns across our laps and the same expression we had then we were on the bus. We were scared, but actually flying away from home made it all that more real. It was real and I couldn't do anything to stop it.

Zayn's POV

        "Soldiers march!" Our general yelled at us. Our plane had just land on the training field. We were told that once we land, we all go straight into training. I wasn't even focused enough to do anything though. All I kept thinking of was leaving everything I had behind.

            Hearing my mother's and sister's sobs broke my heart in ways I never thought were possible. My father was proud his only son was going to fight for our country. Perrie, she was sad, but everyone knew that something like this was going to come sooner or later. I just chose not to believe it.

            The only bright side to all of this was I got to be with my three best mates. Liam was ready for this, but he was one of those guys that wanted to test how much of a man he really was. Louis was gay as a daisy and would love to have any of these guys dicks shoved up his ass. Those are his words, not mine. Then there's Harry. He can't even walk without tripping over his own feet. His sweet dimples and curly hair made him look almost comical while he marched beside me with his gun in hand.

            "Go put your bags away. Then you will march back here to start training your preppy little asses." Our general yelled. He's always yelling, I'm going to laugh so hard when he looses his voice.

              We listened and went to the bunker like cabin that would be our home until we were done with training, then we would go to the actual fight. That was something I was definitely not looking foward to.

              The first thing we all did was choose beds and put our suit cases under the beds. But, I pulled out a picture my love before I put mine way. Her blue eyes were sparkling so brightly in that picture and I couldn't help my start to feel a pain crawl into my heart looking at her. I  gently the picture under my pillow and sighed. I guess this is my life now, or what's left of it.

A/N: Chapter 1! How are you liking it? When do you thinks the boys will actually fight?!?!?!
                                    - Bri;)

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