Chapter 17

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Niall's POV

"We already came this way." I mumbled under my breath. Zayn huffed and looked at me, but quickly looked a way with a blush on his cheeks.

Ever since our kiss, he's been really awkward. He won't look my in the eyes without looking away or stumbling over his words. I think it's cute, but I still feel a bit hurt that he wants to forget about it. I didn't want to tell him he was my first kiss. Well, first kiss with a guy. I had kissed one girl and that's when I knew I was gay. He lips were too soft and her body was too petite. I actually felt grossed out by the feeling. I liked how strong Zayn's body was. I liked his lips so much better.

God, Zayn's lips were so rough yet so sweet. The taste of his tongue was incredible. The way he took charge of the kiss made me want him to do whatever made him happy. I'm sure it would have made me beyond happy as well. All I knew was I didn't want to ruin the friendship we had, so I had to forget about it. Even if it was the only memory I wanted to keep from this war, I had to forget. It's better to lose one memory than a whole friendship, right?

"I don't know what way to go then. We keep trying to go straight, but some how it always leads us in a big circle." Zayn said and leaned against a tree. I walked over to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. His brown eyes looked into mine and I gave him a small smile.

"We'll find our way back. Maybe it's my turn to take the lead for a while." He smiled back at me and for the first time all day, his gaze didn't leave mine. We just stayed smiling at each other, not saying anything. I really like him, but he doesn't like me. He probably never will, but I can still like him. Nothing wrong with one way feelings.

I looked over his face and saw some stubble on his jaw, meaning he needed to shave. I actually wanted to see what he would look like with facial hair. He would probably look so manly, I would most likely do anything he told me. I would now too, but if he wanted to tie me up and have his way with me; I would let him do it. He's the most perfect man I've ever seen and the feeling of his lips on mine made me forget our country's were at war with each other. That we were supposed to be enemies.

I didn't even know I was leaning into him, but when his hot breath hit my lips I realized what I was doing yet couldn't stop myself. His brown eyes were locked on mine. I stayed where I was not knowing if I should kiss him again because of his reaction the last time. His breath hit my lips again and he leaned forward from where he was leaning on the tree. Our lips were only centimeters apart when he mumbled with his deep, gravelly voice.

"What are you going to do?" I felt a wave of heat wash over my body at the sound of his voice and pushed him against the tree, attaching my lips with his. He kissed me back feverishly. It was like both of us needed to do this. We needed to to feel each other in this way.

I loved the way his tongue would glide across my lips. I loved the way one of his hands was rested on my neck, while the other found its way to my bum. I made a sound that was a mixture of a gasp and moan, then pushed myself incredibly close to him. Feeling his lips on mine was all I needed, but having his hands touching my body in all the right places made me feel so needy. I needed Zayn to do more.

Zayn pulled away from my lips then started kissing down my neck. I closed my eyes and tilted my head to the side to give him more access. He nipped the skin and then soothed the stinging by licking over the area.

"Zayn..." I moaned. I felt him smile against my neck, then rolled his hips into me once. That was enough to make me fall into a ball of putty. The only thing supporting me from falling to my knees was Zayn's hands holding my bum, pulling me against him.

"Can I try something?" He asked me, removing his lips off my neck. I nodded without even thinking about his words. I will do anything for him. He's Zayn, he looks like a god, I would gladly put his dick in my mouth if he asked me to.

Zayn's hands moved from where they were on my backside and went to the zipper of my pants, well Liam's pants. I felt myself becoming harder as he looked me in the eyes while slowly undoing the button, then moving them down my hips a little. His eyes broke contact with mine when he looked down at my very prominent bulge in my boxer briefs. My heart was beating with anticipation, not knowing what he was going to do. But, whatever he had wanted to try was cut short by the sound of a bomb being dropped in the distance.

I pulled back quickly, fixing my bulge and pulling my pants back to where they should be, while Zayn flipped his gun from his back to a defense position. Another bomb dropped, but the sound was closer than the last one.

"We have to get away from here." I said while looking up at the plane dropping the explosives. It was a British plane. Zayn didn't say anything, but he did grab my hand and start running to where he thought would be safe.

The air started to become thick with smoke as we made our way deeper to an unfamiliar part of the forest. I knew bombs left smoke behind, but my mind was slowly starting to realize when you drop a bomb in a heavily wooded area a spark will ignite. Where there's smoke, there's fire.

"Zayn stop! There's a fire somewhere and the deeper we get, the more dangerous it is!" I yelled, pulling Zayn to a stop. Right where he was about to step a second before, a fire ball landed right there. He jumped back into me with a scream, and I wrapped my arms around him. We both tried to turn and run the other way but another ball of fire came, blocking our path.

I got Zayn's hand and ran the only way that was fire clear, but that was the dumbest thing I could have done because it lead right into a thick wall of smoke and fire.

We stood there choking from the black air being sucking into our lungs, holding each other's hands. I looked for anyway out, but Zayn found one sooner than me. It was a tight squeeze between a tree and the burning ground, but he pulled us through it. Sweat was dripping down our bodies and breathing seemed to be impossible, but we kept running. Well, until I saw one more fire ball coming from above. I tired to tell Zayn to stop running, but my coughing and choking prevented me from getting his attention. The only other thing I could do was pull his hand to stop him, but due to the sweaty grip, his hand slipped from mine.

I just stood there and watched as Zayn ran straight into the path of the fire ball, becoming one himself in the process.

A/N: aaahhhhh! Shits getting real! Tomorrow is hazza's birthday too! I don't think I can do this! Haha Comment/ Vote!
                            - Bri;)

Love On The Battlefield (Ziall Horlik) AUWhere stories live. Discover now