Chapter 24

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Zayn's POV

Niall and I both got our clothes on faster than lightning. Me, wearing the pants I took from the fallen soldier then Niall's under t-shirt. I was really tired after what Naill and I had just done and also still not being in the best condition, but I didn't let that stop us both from getting to safty. At least getting Niall to safty. That's all I wanted more than anything.

We followed Niall's brother through the forest for quite a ways before we finally got to the back of the Irish side. There was a war plane there waiting for wounded soldiers to be loaded on. This seemed too easy of an escape, even though it was still hard at the same time. I guess it was one of those perspective things, just a matter of how you look at it. And right now being as tired as I am, it looks hard.

"Here's what you're going to do, when they are getting more men sneak on there and hide in the crates that hold medical supplies. You both should be able to fit into a single one. If they see you, they won't hesitate before shooting you down thinking your and enemy." Greg told us. I nodded and started to lean against Niall for support. His arm wrapped around my waist in a protective way that showed me he was going to be there for me. He was still going to help me.

"When do we have a clear shot?" Niall asked in a hushed voice as more men were loaded onto the plane. I looked over my shoulder to make sure no one was behind us, even though I knew the siren sounded which would protect us. Well it should protect us, but that's not always what people decided the rules are.

"I'll go check how many more men then I come back out and wave to the two of you." Greg told us. Niall nodded then scooped me up in his arms before I completely fell over from exhaustion. He sat down with his back against a tree and just held me. Neither of us said anything. We just stayed there enjoying the hope and love that was surrounding us in our own little bubble. It was moments like this that I realized how much I had missing in my life before Niall. Even if I had Perrie, something was always missing. Something that I would never ever want to be away from again.

We sat there for a while thinking that safty was coming soon, but that was once again far from the truth. Out of nowhere, a knife came flying and bearly missed Niall's head, sticking into the tree behind us. Immediately, Niall set me to the side and pulled out two knives after standing up. I hated feeling this useless. I felt my eyes start to close from exhaustion. I guess even when both our lives are being threatened, my brain is telling me to pass out. I tried to think of anything to wake me up, but was only provided with one good reason I needed to stay awake. That was when another knife came out of nowhere and stabbed me right in the leg.

I just grunted at the pain, but kept quite. I knew if I made a noise that I was hurt, it would distract Niall from defending himself. So, I just pulled the knife out and put pressure on the wound with my hand. Harry taught me well I guess.

Soon, the men started making their way out of the shadows giving off but the trees and I saw they were all British soldiers. There were ten of them, all holding ugly looking knives that could gut you in seconds. Niall looked at me for a quick second, then back towards the men surrounding us.

"You want me?" He asked one of them. I feel like I should have explained to him that it's not only him they want dead anymore. He knew they wanted me dead because I was left out there in the woods alone, but I did know allot more now than before so of course they don't only want him. They want both of us gone because every rule out there, we broke. But, they did too. They just don't want to get caught, where Niall and I don't give two shits if we get caught 'cause we love each other. Everyone else can fuck themselves and I can fuck Niall, simple as that.

"You both need to die. Those are our orders given and we have to listen." One of the men growled. Niall took a step back closer to me and I reached my free hand out to wrapped it around his ankle. I let my fingers stroke the skin that was showing above his boot. That seemed to comfort him some way because his hands holding the knives stopped shaking. If I could stand up and help him, I would. Unfortunately, I'm loosing quite a bit if blood at the moment and not sure if I could stand up.

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