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Zayn's POV

"Niall! Can you get the door!" I yelled from our bedroom. I was busy trying to bottle feed my little girl, but she wouldn't stop squirming about.

The war had ended four months after Niall and I had left. We stayed in Ireland with his family at their house until it was safe for me to travel home. In the beginning, his father hated me with all his heart, where his mother wanted me to marry her son. I understood his father's problem, I'm a Brit. As for his mother, I didn't know why the second I walked through the door with Niall's hand linked in my own she told me to get down on one knee and marry him. But in the end, both his parents were on board with our relationship and it seemed like everything was working in our favor.

Both of us spoke to the National War Bureau about all that had happened on the battlefield and been told to us, as well as all the information about the wealth of the land. That was what pretty much ended the war. That and the fact of the British side breaking rules and that Ireland was much too poor to continue on. Both sides called a truce, but in the end every ounce of wealth went to the Irsh as punishment to England for breaking rules and torching their own soldiers.

When I was able to go back to England, I took Niall with me. We never left each others side. That was just how we worked now. I think we were both afraid to ever loose the other. When we got home I showed him where I lived, introduced him to my family then we were greeted with a surprise a week into our visit. Perrie went into labor and, of course, I was going to be right by her side. it was the first time I saw her since the war and she apologized over and over again. I told her I forgave her and promised her I wasn't going anywhere through this. She was so scared going into this, but I was too. I held her hand the whole time, repeating I wasn't going to leave her side.

Unfortunately, while I was being by her side, she ended up leaving mine. It was a breeched birth and she was too far into the birthing process to have a C-section. She died while giving birth to a little girl that was without a doubt, mine. She looked exactly like me, from her tan skin to her dark hair. She was mine and now I was going to have to raise her own my own. But I wasn't really own my own. Niall and I are both in this together, along with both our parents. Niall spoiled her rotten. He wakes up with her when she crys at night, sings to her, feeds her and plays with her. He's head over heals for that little girl and it warms my heart, as well as relives it.

When the doctors gave me the little bundle of pink in a blanket, I was terrified. The minute I held her, I knew she was mine. I was scared Niall would think of me as this man slut that got some girl pregnant and would leave me. I thought he wouldn't want someone tied down with so many responsibilities, and he would leave. Those fears were all put to rest when I walked into the waiting room with a heavy heart of just loosing another person close to my heart, and he held her for the first time. He broke down into tears because he had never seen anything so small and perfect. He whispered little promises to her, like he would love her and teach her how to play guitar. He was so happy to be holding her that I knew, we were going to be alright.

She's absolutely beautiful, but even that doesn't take away the pain I still found from memories of the war. I lost two of my best friends. Louis was doing much better now, but he was forced to live in a mental hospital. It was what was best for him though, sometimes Niall and I go visit him. I don't blame him in going crazy. Sometimes Niall and I both wake up with night terrors, thinking we were still stuck in those life or death situations. I guess you could say we both suffer from PTSD, but having each other and our new little bun, makes everything a tiny bit easier. Yet, it still doesn't stop me from having times where I have to excuse myself from the room to go cry my heart out. Niall is always there to comfort me, and the same goes to him when he needs me there.

"Zayn, your mum's here!" Niall called from the front door. I stood up with our baby and walked out of the nursery to see my mum holding some sort of diaper bag in her hand, giving me an expectant look. I walked over and gave her a kiss, but she just snagged the two month old baby right out of my arms along with he bottle.

"You two need to go on a date or do something! You're both young, go do something!" My mother scolded us. I walked over to Niall and wrapped my arms around him and kissed his lips sweetly. We both laugh a bit, then nodded as my mother put her granddaughter into her baby carrier.

"Thanks mum, but you dont have to do this." I told her. She shook her head to tell me no again and I knew I couldn't fight her again. She knew I how felt about her taking over my responsibility.

As much as my daughter isn't a mistake, my actions were. I knew I should be the one to not go on dates or go out and have fun while someone else takes care or my daughter. Yet, my mother always told me she wanted to help me out. She once told me that she felt bad for me and Niall having to take care of her and not have a normal life ever again after the war, so she wanted to help as much as she could. I felt uncomfortable about it, but it seemed to make her happy to be a grandmother so I let her have her joy.

"Yes, I do. She's being raise by two boys. She needs girl time. I'll bring her back tomorrow afternoon after you both have done... whatever you do. Niall, make sure Zayn treats you well. Bye, loves!" To say my mum loved Niall was an understatement. She would enjoy having him as her son more than she likes me as her son. I don't mind though, as long as they got along.

Once the door closed, Niall and I looked at each other with knowing looks, and ran down the hall of our small home to our bedroom. Normally if you leave two 18 year old boys that are madly in love with each other, intimate things would happen. Instead, we fell on the bed, cuddling up for a long nap. We were exhausted from getting at night and just wanted time with each other. That's all we need, and maybe a good nap.

"I love you, Zayn." Niall mumbled into my chest. I ran my fingers through his dyed blonde hair and kissed his forehead lovingly.

"I love you too, Niall." No matter what fear I had of loving someone again, Niall always made it go away. For the first time since the war had ended, I fell asleep with a smile on my face and no nightmares. Just dreams of my sweet little family and my boyfriend holding me close.

A/N: so much tears! I feel like I didn't end this as well as I could, but whatever! Again, a massive thank you (see what I did there) to those that read this story and voted and commented! Yall are the best ever! Go check out my new story Small Bump! Comment / Vote!
- Bri;)

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