Chapter 10

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Zayn's POV

I literally ran back to my side. I just needed to know if Harry was alright. I can't imagine my life without him. He's always been that cute, fluff ball little brother to me that I never had. He's always so kind and genuine about everything he does. He doesn't deserve to die, especially like this.

I ran inside, ignoring the man calling after me to stop so I could take roll and I just went straight to the hospital beds. I looked in every single row trying to find that mop of curls. But, instead I just heard a cry and scream far away. I ran over the the sound, which lead me to a back door I didn't even know existed.

Immediately when I stepped out the door, I smelt death. I looked and saw a mass grave a few feet away from me. It was just a pit full of dead bodies. I covered my mouth and nose with my arm because that smell was horrible. I heard a helicopter roar to life and another cry leave someone's mouth.

I sprinted from the door, around the corner of the building to see a helicopter lifting off the ground with the red cross symbol on it; along with an Irish flag. Dirt was flying into my eyes so looked away, but where my eyes landed was a pile of Louis on the ground being held by Liam. I went over to my best friends and they looked at me shaking their heads.

"Their taking him home! Ireland sent their helicopter to take him home. He wasn't doing well!" Liam yelled at me over the loud noise of sobs and wind being chopped. The helicopter left and we were left with the quiet sounds of Louis crying.

"He was... there was so much blood!" Louis cried. I kneeled down to the floor and wrapped my arms around him. I knew he has always had strong feelings for Harry. Not even the friendly ones, but romantic. He only told me about this because Harry was straight, well until a while ago, but he didn't want anyone to know, not even Liam. He thought if anyone did, it would ruin our friendship.

Now, seeing him cry this hard over Harry I knew exactly how hard this was on him. Seeing someone you care about, love even, bleeding and hurt would be the hardest thing ever. I hated seeing Niall hurt and I don't know why I care about him or have some type of feelings towards him, so this must be a hundred times harder on Louis.

Liam and I got him off the ground to take him inside to get some sleep, but he started yelling and kicking us.

"I wanted to go with him! What if he never knows how much I love him?!" He yelled. Liam and I both just pulled him by the arms and carried him inside, but once we were inside all eyes went to Louis because of how much of a mess he was. He was crying, screaming, yelling and begging to go with Harry even though he was already gone. He looked like a crazy person, if I'm honest. Like this one thing made his sanity just snap.

We got him into the sleeping room to our corner and set him down. He just laid there and cried. He looked heartbroken, but I didn't really understand why he was such a mess. Harry got shot, yes. But, he got help. He's going home and he's not going to be here anymore. If anything, Lou should be happy this happened. It just means the green eyed boy is safe.

"He's in shock from killing that many people." Liam told me while handing me a bowl of soup. I took it gratefully, but my stomach wasn't feeling up to eating. At the mention of killing, I thought back to the two men I had killed. They were on our side, and I killed them without a second thought. At least Lou killed the ones we had to, the Irish. I guess I just break every rule there is.

"How was Harry? Be completely honest." I told Liam setting my bowl down. Louis was just crying on the floor in his own world of mumbling words, so I didn't worry too much about him hearing. Liam huffed and shook his head.

"He was fighting. We could all see it. There was just so much blood, Louis couldn't handle it. I tried staying clam for him, so did Harry, but he was loosing it. When we got to the fighting line, he shot anyone that tried to come near us. It was a horrific sight, but when we got Harry help he seemed to go into shock. The doctors did their best job, thankfully the bullet didn't go to his heart. When the sirens sounded and the fighting stopped, the doctors were weighing their opinions with what to do with him. They wanted to send him home because he was wounded in a place that needed better attention, but we didn't have a helicopter or plane to get him home. That's when something weird happened. The general from the Irish side came in and told us we could use their medical supplies to take Harry home." As soon as Liam said that, I knew it had something to do with Niall. I don't exactly know how, but it was just something I felt in my bones.

"Do you think he'll be fine?" I asked. Liam just nodded and ate his soup. I could see it on his face that he wasn't doing well mentally either, but I didn't push him to talk to me about it. Sometimes you just need to prosse things in your own mind, rather than having people pester you over it.

As I ate my food, my mind drifted back to my small moments with Niall. I blushed when I thought of how it felt when I kissed his cheek. God, I'm an idiot. Why was I doing that? He's a guy for Christ's sake, and I have a girl at home for me. I shouldn't be wanting to kiss someone I just met or touch him in such sweet ways. That's just weird, but it felt so right. I needed to stop thinking like this, I'm forgetting who I am in this goddamm war.

I got my backpack and started digging through it for the one thing I knew would fix my problem. I pulled out the picture of Perrie I had brought with me and looked over it. Her blue eyes and blonde hair seemed to look different to me now. That smile on her face, was missing something. Before, when I would looked at this picture, I was feel so much love for this girl; now it's just like looking at a girl. I liked the way Niall's blue eyes had a young, mischievous look in them. I liked his blonde hair, even though I could tell it was dyed. His smile made me feel like I was on top of the world. This is how I used to feel about Perrie...

What changed that I'm feeling like this towards someone who is almost a complete stranger to me? Someone who is a male. That can't be possible that I'm- no! I'm in love with Perrie Edwards and we're going to get married, have children and live in a big house with chickens! I just saw allot of bad things today, including my Niall and best friend get shot. Wait. My Niall? I'm loosing it, almost as bad as Louis.

"Zayn Malik." My name was called and I thanked all my lucky stars because I needed to get rid of these thoughts I was having.

I got up and walked over to the person that had just called me that was standing in the door way. He smiled and nodded at me, then gave me a box of something. "It's a thank you. Here's two more boxes for your friends. You did a good deed today, even if it was towards an enemy." The man told me, then handed me two more boxes. They were shaped in the size of a shoe box, but they were cardboard boxes. I took them back over to our corner and gave Liam his. Neither of us said anything, we just opened it.

Inside I was shocked with what was given to me. An Irsh medal of honor was the first thing I saw in the box. Next, was a handwritten letter from their general saying money would be given to me once the war was over. Then there was more medical stuff and two more medals. These ones were from the British side. It was a medal of humanity, and a medal of bravery.

I see the generals and officers wearing things like this. Getting medals are the highest honors you can get. I'm just an 18 year old soldier that got drafted, I don't deserve honors and awards like this. I'm none of these things.

"Wow." Liam said breathlessly from beside me and I looked at him.

"We killed so many of their people and they give us this stuff for saving one." I told him with disbelief. He shook his head and smiled.

"Perrie has herself a decorated soldier. She's going to be so proud of you." I smiled weakly back as he pat me on the shoulder. Really, I didn't think she would care if I got medals or not. She always me for me, well I think she did. The only person I want to be proud of me is the one who made this possible for me. Niall.

A/N: well looky there! Lots going on now! I'm excited to write the next chapter because it's going to be something to change more things! Comment / Vote!
                          - Bri;)

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