Chapter 8

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Zayn's POV

After a while of just sitting there in the silence of sleeping men, the general came and woke us up. I couldn't look at him the same, not after hearing what he did.

All of us cleared up our space, put our uniforms on, filled our canteens, got canned food and crackers and loaded our guns with bullets. We also put more bullets in our backpacks too.

We all went into the trenches and waited at least an hour everyday just so everyone can get ready. My friends and I usually take this time to talk or take turns sleeping, but today I just stared at the wall made of mud that was in front of me. I was still freaked out by my dream. I just couldn't get that image of Niall's bloody body laying on the ground out of my head.

"Hey mate. You alright? I heard you screaming and crying in your sleep last night, but I didn't know what to do." Louis asked me. I looked at him and shook my head. He wrapped his arm around my shoulders immediately. Looking at those blue eyes, I could never lie.That's why we have such a bumpy, yet strong relationship. If he's annoying the shit out of me, I tell him straight forward; then he punches me in the face. Or if I'm sad a about something, he would let me cry on his shoulder.

"Well tell me about it." He told, leaving a kiss on my head. I snuggled into him and told him everything. From my confused feelings about Niall, to my dream last night. He just listen to me. But when I was finally finished, he pulled away from me and gave me a small smile.

"What?" I asked him. I knew what those types of smiles ment, and usually they went good.

"I'll let you figure this one out on your own, but I just want you to know there's nothing wrong with it." I didn't quite know what he ment by that, but I took as much comfort as I could at the moment.

We sat in the trench for the rest of the time in silence. I had a weird feeling in my stomach that was telling me today wasn't going to be a good day. I can't even pretend I'm not scared of feeling like this. I am scared and it makes me feel like a little girl. I'm in a fucking war and I'm scared. I shouldn't be, I should be brave like everyone else. But, I can't. I feel like I would be allot more at ease if I just knew something, anything, about Niall.

I saw the sun just coming into sight, making night go away and the siren sound. All four of us waited until the people started shooting and climbing out of the trench so we had a distraction to make a break for it. Once we got it, we were off to our place in the woods. Like always, everyone was too occupied with the main battlefield to come after us.

While we were running through the forest I started panicking because visions of my nightmare came creeping in. I shook my head and stayed focused on the task at hand. We made it to the tree and started climbing. Louis actually learned how to climb one now, so Liam didn't have to help him anymore.

All of us had become more fit in general. Any ounce of fat we had was now muscle. Louis still had his bubble bum, but it made Harry happy so no one said anything. After we all got situated in the tree, everything changed in a matter of seconds.

A bush moved that was on the other side of the river, so we all got our guns ready to shoot. Soon a gun shot was fired from that one bush into one that was a couple feet away. I heard a cry of pain that brought me back to my nightmare. Was this a sick joke? Was someone mocking Niall's voice just to torture my feelings more than they already were?

Two British soldiers popped up from behind the bush the gun had just been fired from, and started running to the other one. But, the bush they ran to, an all too familiar boy stood up from behind it which caused me to fall out of the tree. I landed right on my stomach, but didn't care at the moment. Niall is right in front of me and he's alive! My friends jumped down from the tree after me, but that only caused the two British soldiers to point their guns at us.

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