Chapter 7

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Zayn's POV

He's probably dead...

I hate to think it, but I haven't seen Niall in two weeks. Also, this is a war so I shouldn't have expected to see him ever again. I guess I thought it could be different for him, for us.

I was just laying on the floor with Harry curled up on my stomach, thinking of all the ways that blue eyed might have been killed. Images of him being shot or skinned passed through my mind. My eyes started burning with tears because imagining those blue eyes in any sort of pain, made me feel pain. I didn't want to think he was dead. I hadn't spent any time with him. The time I had with him was when he ran away from me, only to run smack into a tree.

Thinking about it now was actually funny because he bearly even turned his head, but that was all it took for him to run into it. I was kind of scared when he just laid on the ground and didn't even move. I thought he might have knocked himself out or stabbed himself with a hidden weapon. I remember the way his helmet was too big on him and slipped off as he ran, so it provided no protection to his head. I liked how when I moved his head on my lap, he didn't saying anything or move. He just looked up at me like he was shocked by my movements, yet still comfored by them.

He couldn't be gone. I'm still confused in why I feel such strong feelings towards Niall, but I didn't spend too much time questioning it. I'm sure my brain is trying to substitute someone else in my life for the lonely feeling I had from missing Perrie. I miss her, but not as much as I miss Niall. I don't even feel guilty about feeling this way.

I closed my eyes wanting sleep to come to put my worries at rest, but it only brought the worst nightmare of my life. I just let sleep fill my mind as I laid on the floor, using a backpack as a pillow.

The forest was getting denser and denser with trees as I ran. I felt my sweat seeping into my uniform as the air got thinker with humidity. I looked down at where my feet were going, but the ground wasn't it's normal muddy, leaf covered look. The places where I would place my feet was now covered with bodys and blood. The bodys were mutated, each wearing either British or Irish uniforms.

I stoped dead in tracks, looking at where I was standing. How could I have not seen where I was running before?

"Zayn!" A familiar voice called out for me. My head snapped up and I looked around for its owner.

"Niall?" I said quietly, not wanting to be heard by anyone around me. I heard a scream from that same Irish voice. The scream sounded like it was in pain. That was enough to make me break into a sprint towards that voice.

The trees around me seemed to be holding me back from where I was trying to get to. But, I tried to push through the barrier with as much strength as I had. I just needed to get to him. I needed to hold him, make sure he was safe.

A cold wind burst through the whole scene, sending a shiver through my body.

"Zayn! Help me!" Niall screamed again, but this time I could actually run to him.

I ended up in the same area where I had been hiding since I got in the war. The river was not water, but blood and the tree we rested on was now dead and withered. A snap of a twig behind me made me turn, but I wish I never did.

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