I am 2 months pregnant now and my dad is five month. It feels so weird being pregnant the same time as my dad but at least I have someone I can get advice from. I'm actually surprised my dads did not kick me out. I have been avoiding Blake. I don't know how to tell him. I'm scared to see Blake. I can't be stressing like this.
"So I hear your pregnant?" I turned around to see Darcy smirking.
"I am" I said sadly
"And I thought it would of been me first. So are dads kicking you out?" Darcy said
"No they're not. I didn't ask to be pregnant! Why are you being such a bitch! You are supposed to be my twin sister!" I yelled
"Sorry I'm just trying to figure out how dad's didn't get mad at you for being pregnant?" Darcy said
"Because I didn't do it willingly!" I yelled with tears in my eyes.
"What?!" Darcy yelled
"I was raped! Blake h-he raped me" I cried and slid to the floor in my room.
Darcy came over and hugged me as I sobbed.
"I'm so sorry courtney. I didn't know. Has h-he done anything else to you?" Darcy asked
"H-he h-hits me" I cried
"I'm gonna kill him!" Darcy said
"That's what papa said" I sobbed
"Well why hasn't he?" Darcy asked
"He doesn't want to go to jail for hitting a minor and leaving dad alone. Dad and him are talking about pressing charges?" I said
"Well why don't they. He deserves it." Darcy said
"I know he does but I don't want my kid to grow up fatherless" I said
"Courtney would you rather your kid grow up fatherless or would you rather your kid grow up with a dad who beats on his or her mom?" Darcy said
"Your right. I guess I should text him and tell him it's over" I said
"Good! I can't believe I'm gonna be an auntie and a big sister again! Double plus!" Darcy said excitedly.
"Courtney?" I looked up to see Papa and Dad.
"What is it?" I asked and wipe my tears.
"Your father and I have decided to press charges against Blake" my papa said
"But only if you want to princess" my dad said while putting his hand on his pregnant stomach.
"I-I want to" I said
"Okay. I guess I'll call the police" my papa said and left to call the police
I then started to cry
"What's wrong princess?" My dad said and sat on the other side of me
"My baby's going to grow up fatherless" I said and cried into my dad's chest
"It's going to be okay princess" I said and hugged my dad
"The cops just picked up Blake his court date is tomorrow." My papa said
"Are you sure you want to do this dear?" My papa said and kneeled down in front of me.
"Y-yes" I cried
"Why don't you come downstairs and get something to eat" my dad said
I then got up off the bed followed by Darcy. My papa then helped my dad off of the bed and we all went downstairs to eat. Dinner was quiet that night. I could only imagine what's going to happen tomorrow.
FF to court date
I was getting ready for my court date. I wonder how long he will go to jail? I had just finished getting ready. I headed downstairs to see both my dad's in suits. Darcy was going to watch Lucas and Cory while my dads and I headed to Court. We then got in my papa's car and headed to the court house.
"Is everything okay love?" My dad said as papa drove.
"I'm just nervous. What if they don't put him away for a long time?" I asked
"Then they are stupid and aren't doing their job right!" My papa yelled
"Louis!" My dad yelled
"What it's the truth! If they don't put that scumbag away for a long time for doing that to our daughter than they need to learn to do their job better!" My papa yelled just as we arrived at the court house. We then sat down with our lawyer and stood up for the judge. Next thing I knew Blake entered the room. When his eyes met mine I looked away. I couldn't even look at him without crying.
"We are hear today to hear the case of Blake Brower against Courtney Styles Tomlinson" the judge said
Blake then took the stand and was asked some questions. I was then asked some questions and ended up tearing up a bit. My parents and Blake's parents were then asked some questions.
"Has the jury reached a verdict?" The judge asked
"Yes we find the defendant guilty" the jury said
I then sighed in relief.
"I sentence Blake Brower to five years in prison" the judge said. I thought it would be longer I guess not. I then got up with my dads and was about to leave when Blake yelled.
"You're mine Courtney! Once I get out you'll pay!" Blake yelled and I cried into my dad's chest and shook in fear.
"It's okay love your papa and I won't let him touch you" my dad said and kissed the top of my head. I then wiped my tears and left the court room and headed home with both my dads.
"So how did it go?" Darcy asked once we got home.
"Blake got five years in prison" I said
"Just five?After what he did!" Darcy yelled
"It's better than nothing. Now I'm going to go make dinner" my dad said but was stopped by Darcy.
"No need dad I already made dinner. There's some left overs in the kitchen" Darcy said
"You cooked?! And you didn't burn down my kitchen!" My dad said surprised
My papa laughed at that.
"I'll have you know dad that I got your cooking skills not Papa's" Darcy said and dad and I laughed.
"Hey!" My papa yelled insulted
"Love you papa" Darcy said and kissed papa's cheek.
We then all went into the kitchen to see Cory and Lucas eating.
"So how's it go" Lucas said
"He went away for five years" I said and sat down next to Lucas
"Good I was tired of you getting hurt" Lucas said which shocked us all
"What do you mean Lucas?" I asked
"I always heard you cry yourself to sleep, you also had booboo's on you" Lucas said
I then hugged Lucas and he smiled. Lucas and I really had a close relationship even closer than Darcy and I.
"Lucas make Courtney happy?" Lucas asked as I ate my food
"Yes very" I said with a smile and Lucas clapped his hands in excitement. Lucas was different because of his autism but we loved him all the same. I don't know what I would do without him. He's always there for me. After we ate we then had a movie night and Lucas would sometimes say things in third person when a favorite part came on but I didn't care I was just happy to spend time with my family and also happy that Blake was behind bars.
(Courtney's ex boyfriend Blake Brower on the side)

Harry Styles Single Father (mpreg)
FanficAdventures of Harry and Louis with the kids